Murder report

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"Hotchner," Hotch answers his cell.

"You're never going to believe this. Gabriel Dawson and his sister, Bailey, were arrested early this morning at a gas station just over the state line in Ohio," Garcia says.


"Yeah, apparently they stopped for gas and Bailey got out of the car covered in blood. They didn't even resist arrest and were accompanied by a girl named Naomi Bell and her adoptive father, Henry Stoltenberg."

"They didn't resist arrest?" Hotchner asks skeptically, knowing the siblings' reputation.

"No, and the arrest report says that something seems to be wrong with Gabriel. It says here that he's only responding to his sister's voice and he doesn't talk, like, at all. Bailey has also warned everyone not to touch Gabriel. She says that Gabriel will get violent if you do."

"Can you give me the address of the station?"

Garcia quickly finds the information for him and he writes it down. Then he hangs up and goes to the conference room that the team has been using as a home-base since they arrived in town around 10:30 that morning, it now being well after noon.

"Both Bailey and Gabriel Dawson are in custody just across the state line in Ohio. Pack things up. We can be there in about two hours," Hotch informs his team, scooping up the little amount of information they had managed to collect so far from the crime scene.

"That was fast," J.J. says.

"How'd they even know that we were looking for them?" Morgan asks, an eyebrow raised.

"They didn't. They were arrested at a gas station because they were covered in blood," Hotch explains.

The team falls silent and looks at each other for a moment before they all jump into action collecting their things and move out.

When they arrive at the station, they are greeted by the arresting officers; an older man by the name of Steve Parker and his younger partner, Gorge Hawkins.

"In your report, you said that they didn't resist arrest?" Hotchner asks Parker, getting straight to business as he shakes the officer's hand.

"That's right. Bailey looked like she was in shock or something when I cuffed her. I don't think she realized what was going on until Gorge opened the passenger door to get Gabriel out. That's when Henry stepped out. He stopped Gorge from touching Gabriel and sort of took charge from there. His only concern was that we wouldn't hurt or arrest Naomi.

"He didn't try to talk you out of arresting the Dawsons?" Rossi asks.

"Not at all. He told us that he knew we were just doing our job. He even told Naomi to do what we told her to," Steve replies.

"You also said in your report that Henry's full name was 'Henry Stoltenberg', correct?" Reid asks.

"Yeah, I did." Gorge responds with a shrug.

"What is it, Reid?" Hotch asks, noticing the perplexed look on the younger man's face.

"Henry Stoltenberg is the name of a long dead man who was believed to be the offspring of an angel and a vampire..."

"You are very well educated; though you are slightly mistaken. Humans often get my species confused. I am technically a nephilim. Half angel. Half human. Although, I was turned part vampire years ago. I am surprised you even know about me. Most people don't even know I exist." The group of agents turn to the new man with questioning looks. "Humans usually don't remember these things." He continues unfazed by everyone's stares.

"My name is Henry Stoltenberg." He adds.

He hesitantly offers his hand as if unsure if it was the right action for these circumstances.

"Nice to meet you, Henry," J.J. offers with a pleasant smile as she shakes his hand, the rest of the team hesitantly following suit.

"I certainly wish we could have met under more pleasant circumstances. Unfortunately, Gabriel is not well and I don't know how to help him." Henry looks distressed at his own words and looks towards the back of the small station where Bailey and Gabriel are being held.

"Henry, would you mind me explaining to me what happened? Let's sit down over here and talk," Rossi says, ushering him into a small conference room.

"Why do I get the feeling this is going to be a weird one?" Morgan inquires when they're out of earshot.

"Because, it's always a weird one," Reid replies, watching the dark haired man as he sits at the table with Rossi.

"While he's doing that, we might as well set up what we know. There is still a chance that our unsub is not Gabriel Dawson, though it is definitely suspicious that the Dawsons were at the crime scene," Morgan announces.

"Do you really think they're innocent?" J.J. questions.

"Maybe of this crime, but regardless, they are both wanted for murder," Hotchner replies.


Bailey sits leaning against the wall on the floor across from where her brother sits on the bench, still staring into space. Gabe hasn't moved since they arrived at the station around 2:30 that morning and she's worried. Gabriel is definitely not acting like himself, and she doesn't know what to do. Bailey stands up, and after restlessly pacing like a caged animal for what feels like an eternity, she joins her brother on the bench. She sighs, leaning back against the wall. What were they going to do? There was no way the police would just release them; they were both wanted for multiple murders. Murders they hadn't committed of course, but they were the only ones that knew they were innocent... But now Gabriel was actually guilty. Her brother had killed five people. The thought doesn't sit well with Bailey, and she shifts uncomfortably.

Bailey looks at her brother. Gabriel's pale and has a pained expression on his face. Bailey, unwilling to let her brother silently suffer in his own mind any longer, calls her brother's name and hesitantly puts her hand on Gabriel's shoulder. Gabriel's reaction to the touch is almost instantaneous. One moment they're both sitting on the bench, and the next Bailey is on her back with her brother's hands wrapped around her throat. She manages a slap across Gabriel's face while trying to pry her brother's fingers from her throat and manages to switch their positions. He immediately lets go when an expression of horror crosses Gabriel's face, and he brings a hand to his face where Bailey hit him.

"Gabe?" Bailey asks cautiously, her voice slightly rough from being strangled.

Gabriel meets Bailey's eyes, clearly horrified by what he just did.

"I...I... Bailey?" he half whispers.

Gabriel's eyes start to water, and he bites his lip before looking away. He doesn't move from his spot lying on the floor. Bailey absentmindedly rubs at her throat.

After an uncomfortable silence, Bailey murmurs softly to her brother, "Gabe... we need to get you cleaned up, buddy."

Gabriel doesn't reply but goes over to the small sink and starts to rinse the blood off his hands, avoiding even looking in his sister's direction.

"Let me help you," Bailey urges gently, pulling out a bandanna that she keeps for bandaging mission wounds.

Gabriel pauses in his actions and lets Bailey help him, but he refuses to look at his sister even as the younger woman wipes blood from his face.

"Gabriel, do you know where we are?" Bailey asks as she rubs at a clump of dried blood in Gabriel's hair.

Gabriel casts her an annoyed look, but quickly averts his gaze away again.

"Yeah, Bailz. I know where we are."

Bailey sighs. 'At least he's responding now,' she thinks, a little relieved and very much worried.

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