Hotch and Henry

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J.J plops unceremoniously into a chair.

"You okay, J.J.?" Morgan asks, looking up from where he's writing yet another sticky note with a location of one of the Dawsons' supposed 'hunts'.

"The media got wind that Bailey and Gabriel are back and in custody. I don't know how much longer I can hold them off," She explains.

Morgan gives her a sympathetic look.

"So, what are you doing?" She asks Morgan, leaning forward on the table.

"I'm comparing the files that Henry got for us with the Dawsons supposed 'Hunts'," he uses air quotes, "and on top of that I'm trying to figure out if these guys have a pattern. Sometimes they stay in the same state for a couple of weeks, other times they're only there for a day or two and then drive non-stop for several days to get to the next location."

"Why are you using sticky notes? Why not just use the map?"

"Actually, I am, but I'm trying to get them in order and sometimes they return back to a place multiple times," Morgan explains, pointing out a place in Nebraska and another, later, in South Dakota.

"Jeez, these guys have been busy," J.J. notes, taking in the dots on the United States map and the large number of sticky notes on the board next to it.

"According to Rossi, and a good number of witness reports from each location, a majority of the time the Dawsons showed up after people started dying and left after they stopped."

"You sound like you might actually believe they were the ones to stop the killings."

"Or they were following the one who did, but that seems unlikely."

"Hey, where's Hotch?" J.J. asks, looking around for any sign of their boss.

"I think he's still talking to Henry."


"Thank you for coming back in, Henry," Hotch says, offering his hand for Henry to shake.

After a slight pause, Henry shakes the offered hand.

"I'm not sure what else I can help you with, but I will answer your questions the best I can."

"Have a seat," Hotch says, indicating a chair in the conference room.

Henry perches on the edge of the seat uneasily, mind wandering over the several problems at hand.

"I have some questions about some of the things you talked to Agent Rossi about."

Henry nods his understanding and Hotchner continues.

"I know that you already stated that you are Henry Stoltenberg, and that you are a..." Hotch glances at the notebook in his hands, "a Nephilim," he says carefully, trying to gauge his reaction.

"That is correct," Henry agrees without hesitation.

"Nephilim. What exactly is a Nephilim? If you could explain it again, please."

"A Nephilim is the offspring of a human and an angel. My father was the angel, Balthazar, while my mother was a human by the name of Maria Stoltenberg. Years later, when I was in my late twenties, I was tricked by a vampire and my mother was murdered because of it. I was then bitten and turned. I thought maybe that since I was part angel, I'd be immune to the effects of the bite... but I was wrong. The human part of me became a vampire and well..." Henry stops abruptly and looks at his hands in his lap, feeling a little ashamed.

"Tricked?" Hotch prompts gently, not really knowing where this is going.

Henry doesn't look up as he answers. "I wanted to have a meeting with some property owners that we were renting land from. We had been struggling on rent.... A man named Finn offered to help but ended up tricking me into performing a spell that released several demons....He... murdered my mother in front of me before turning me into a vampire like himself. He stole my Grace too," Henry explains, his voice betraying just how traumatizing the experience had been.

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