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The next morning, Reid and Rossi go to talk to the Dawson siblings. When they arrive, they are surprised to see Gabriel pacing the cell and Bailey still asleep on her mattress on the floor. Gabriel had changed clothes at some point and his bloody clothes were half-folded and thrown on the top bunk. He stops his pacing abruptly when he spots the agents.

"Gabriel Dawson, it's nice to see you on your feet," Agent Rossi greets, approaching the cell, but not entering. "I'm Agent Rossi and this is Agent Reid."

Gabriel crosses his arms over his chest.

"Well, I can't say that it's nice to see you, too," Gabriel growls, clearly not pleased with the circumstances he awoke to.

"I'm a little surprised you're awake. Henry gave us the impression you would be asleep longer," Reid says, ignoring Gabriel's annoyed tone.

"Henry?" Gabriel asks, coaxing an eyebrow.

"Yes, you were having a nightmare and Henry did... something, that made you rest peacefully."

Gabriel smirks. "The three-fingered forehead poke?" He inquires.

"Uh... yes," Reid replies simply, feeling like he is missing some hidden meaning.

Gabriel nods.

"We were wondering if you and your sister could answer some questions," Rossi states, getting them back on subject.

"If it's about who killed those men in Kokomo, it was me. You can let my sister go; she has nothing to do with this," Gabriel snorted firmly, coming closer to the bars.

"We know that," Rossi replies, "But Bailey refused to leave your side. Not to mention the myriad of other crimes both of you have been accused of."

"She refused to leave?" Gabriel asks, surprised, looking down at his sleeping sister. "Even after I..." Gabriel swallows thickly, gesturing at his throat, unable to finish the question.

"We did offer to put you two in separate cells, but Bailey requested you stay together," Reid informs him.

Gabriel watches his sister sleep for a moment, a softness in his expression, before turning back to the agents outside the cell.

"You said you wanted to talk to both of us, right?" Gabriel asks.

"That would be useful, yes," Reid answers, allowing the deflection.

Gabriel couches down next to his sleeping sister.

"Yo, pup. Time to get up," he says, shaking Bailey's shoulder none too gently.

Bailey mumbles in annoyance and tries to roll away.

"Bailey, you're going to be late for school!" Gabriel says a little bit louder, a mischievous smirk crossing his features, but not reaching his eyes as Bailey sits up suddenly, alert.

Gabriel chuckles—it's a sound that rumbles from deep in his chest—as he looks at his sister fondly.

"You literally haven't been in school for over a decade and that still works."

Bailey rubs her eyes blearily.

"Wha..." Bailey starts in confusion. "Gabey! You're awake!" She exclaims, truly awake now.

"Jeez, from the way everyone's talking, you would think I was in a coma or somethin'," He chuckles as he helps his sister to his feet. "We've got visitors," He adds, gesturing at Reid and Rossi.

"Dr. Reid," Bailey greets, coming over to the bars.

"Good morning, Bailey."

"Doctor Reid?" Gabriel asks, eyeing Reid suspiciously.

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