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Jade's feet pounded on the treadmill, her legs a blur as she sprinted at the maximum speed. The nurse that had connected the wires onto her body was jotting down notes whilst she examined her.

The other nurses and doctors were running around fixing things and getting stuff ready for the new arrivals .

Jade had not been told much just to expect a new load of kids, she hated working for wicked but she was forced to it was the only way she could protect these kids as best as she could.

After her friends had been put in the maze, she made sure she would do anything to protect the new kids coming in .

Wicked would stop at nothing to get the cure even if it meant seriously harming them, and she would not allow that. She was a test subject herself, and she was used to the tests and the usual sprinting on the treadmil. Jade had been training to be a guard since Wicked had taken her in at eight years old, just like the other kids.

Unlike the rest who had gone into the maze, she was training and helping out with the kids in the best way she could.

Jade couldn't help but think about the boys that she was friends with before they went into the maze. She missed them, but they wouldn't even remember her anymore thanks again, to wicked .

The door flinging open brought her out of her thoughts, first came in the usual guards that would escort the new arrivals into the lab and then then the actual new arrivals. Six figures in total , five boys and one girl.

Jade's heart skipped a beat, her rhythm faltering just long enough to almost send her sprawling off the treadmill. She grabbed the handrails just in time, steadying herself.

The nurse shot her a concerned look, but Jade's eyes were fixed on the newcomers. It was them, the five boys she was best friends with before they went into the maze and the one girl that she tolerated but never liked anyway.

"What's wrong?" The nurse asked, tapping her pen on the clipboard.

"Nothing," Jade replied, forcing herself to keep running, her pulse racing for reasons beyond the treadmill.

She kept her gaze forward as the nurses and doctors took them to separate sections. One of the boys -Minho- was on the treadmill next to her, a separate nurse connected wires onto his body just like her.

He began running, his pace was fast, just like hers, but she already knew that. She had just wandered if her had kept his pace.

"Hey," Minho said from the side of her, making her turn her head so fast they both thought she might get whiplash.

The boy was definitely older they all were, but he now had bigger biceps, and his face was more rough than before, but he was still as handsome as she thought he was when he entered the maze .

"Hey." She returned, not really sure what she should say its not like they would reconigse her , would they?

Minho took notice of how her accent sounded a lot like Newts.

"My name is Minho."

"Jade, nice to meet you." Although they were running, she reached her hand over to him for him to shake, which he eagerly accepted.

Jades attention was brought over to Thomas, who was on the other side of the room. He was asking about teresa, and one of the guards were making their way over to him.

It seemed like Thomas really cared about her now, if only he remembered how they used to have midnight talks about the boys that had left and how much they hated her.

The guard escorted him out of the room, and her eyes trailed over to Newt. A doctor was preparing a needle full of nutriants and everything they missed in the maze.

She remembered how much he hated needles and she would always be by his side to hold his hand, thats all she wanted to do now and her feet sped up on the treadmill almost as if her body was trying to run to him.

"Woah, you're fast, maybe faster than me."

Jade smirked at the thought. Here, he was admitting she was faster than him when they would always argue over who was faster back in the day. "I like to run, keeps my mind off of things."

"Yeah, i get what you mean. Running is one of my favourite things." Before either of them could say anything else, the nurse for Minho told him to slow his running to a stop so they could continue with other things .

She turned the nurse that was still writing down notes and watching her vitals, "Am i done now? I have better things to do than be tested on."

The nurse looked at her watch and signalled for Jade to slow down. "Yes, that's enough for today," she said. "We'll continue tomorrow." Her tone was a little more sweeter than Jades. She had gotten used to Jades tone by now and knew what to expect when it came to her.

Jade slowed down her pace till it was safe for her to step off the tredmill. Once she was off, she turned to the nurse.

It was easy for the nurse to reach the wires as she was only wearing a black sports bra. The rest of her clothes consisted of Black leggings, trainers, and a jacket that was currently wrapped around her waist .

The nurse took the wires off her chest before handing her back her guns along with her belt that held them. Jade put them on along with her jacket, and she gave a quick nod and small smile to Minho before walking out.

She walked down the white coated walls towards the cafeteria. She used her keycard to get in and was immediately surrounded by the loud chatter of the teens. Boys and girls were spread around the tables all from different mazes, and now they would have more to add to them.

Jade spotted Aris sitting at the end of the table filled with girls on his own like normal after the few girls who he had been friends with had left. According to Janson, they were getting out of here going to a safe place, but she highly doubted that, if only she was allowed to go through those doors they were taken through.

"Afternoon Aris." The boy looked up his face immediately, lighting up once he saw her. "Hey Jade. You met the newcomers yet?" She took the seat next to him. She would normally have little chats with him before she joined the other guards at the doors or just watching over the teens.

"Yeah, they were in the labs whilst i was."

"Do you reconigse them?" Aris was the only person from the mazes that actually knew about her knowing some of them from before the maze. He knew what she was actually doing around here, and they were working together to get the teens out of here before they got whatever Janson had planned for them.

"Its them, Thomas, Minho, Newt, Winston, Fry all of them. Some of the boys are missing, though." She spoke in a hushed whisper so only Aris could hear her, they couldnt have any of the guards hearing them and corrupting any plan that they have to get everyone out.

"Got it. I'll keep an eye on them for you." Aris gave her a small smile, which she returned. "Thanks, now be safe, and you know what to do if you want me."

Jade stood up, walking to the front of the cafeteria and standing next to another guard as she put on a nonacholant expression. Once she was stood in her position, the doors close to her opened letting in the new arrivals except for Teresa and Thomas.

Their eyes were immediately fixated on the other teens before they spun around simular to how she saw them do when they first arrived at the glade.

A few of the boys looked at her, probably remembering her from the lab just a few minutes ago, Minho sent her another smile to which she nodded to. He turned back to the boys, patting Newt on the back before running over to a table filled with a small amount of boys from a different maze.

The rest of the boys rushed over to him, sitting down next to him. They got into a conversation with two of the other boys sat with them.

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