4. journey of flashback

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~After 2 weeks~

"Have you packed your bags" Adwait said getting ready for airport.

"Yeah bro! just down in 2" Adwait said  putting her phone into handbag.

"Call me when you land there" Salila rushing to give car keys to Adwait.

"I will miss you boo!" Aankhi fudging with her fingers sitting at bed corner.

"I'll come as soon as possible kooki" she kissed her forehead and caressing her hair.

After saying goodbye to Salila and Aankhi they both went to airport.

"Advika you sure? Will you be okay there?" Adwait said parking car in the reserved aera.

"In these 2 weeks this is 24th time you're asking but you know my answer will remain same." Said making pout towards him.

"I know. I just can't shrug off this feeling" he said with heavy voice.

"I'll fine, don't worry, okay!" She said Faking smile.

"It's time now" Adwait said pointing towards checkin.

"Just care take of yourself and don't stress yourself after my leave" her hugged him and wave bye then left.

After boarding she sit on her seat and follow rules explain by crew. She tightened her seat belt and gulp water to make herself calm and put headphones to distract herself.

( She's Claustrophobic condition where person extremely afraid of small, enclosed spaces)

After long 1 hour her fight landed at the airport. She took cab to Shrestha's home. She knocked.

Front door open and Shrestha put Advika in her embrace and start crying after 5 minutes she leave her and try to catch her breathe.
Advika rubbing her back up and down in circles.

She (Shrestha) held her (Advika) hand and take her to the living room to meet her with her family they greet her. They all settle down on couch talking about her journey.

Shrestha said " why don't you go and fresh yourself up, you must be tired after much travel" pulling her forearm she took her upstairs.

Advika drying her hair closing the bathroom door behind.
She walked towards bed and flinched seeing Shrestha laying on bed.

"You scared me"

"What? Me?" Said confused.

"Yeah you! Why are you laying here?" She said crossing her hands on her chest.

"Mumma called us for dinner".  Shrestha said making poker face.

"In 10" start drying her hair again.

"Bitch I'm starving to death. Do fast or else I die" Shrestha said dramatically stretching her neck.

"When will you stop saying bad words hah?" Advika Faking her angry.

Shrestha "We are bestie so I can call you whatever I want. Bitch, asshole, whore, sul... Cut off by Advika

"Oh god! Please".

They have their dinner and went to their bedroom. Laying down on bed with duvet on her chest. Staring at the  sailing.

Advika broke silence " Do you remember when we were in school one day I was sitting in canteen you walked by see me crying, you put a polybeg underneath my eyes to fill."

"How can I, after that you slapped my back so hard , gave me backache for a week" furrow her eyebrows she said.

"It didn't that hard"

"Yeah... It was"

"We everytime did silly fights and comforting next moment to each other" Advika's eyes corner wet and a tear skip down to her side cheek.

"Mm.. but the very moment we needed we didn't" Shrestha said teasing her pulling her cheek.

"Shrestha can you take me to the Green valley?" wiping her tears and sit straight.

"You know you can't. That house sold a year ago. How can you knock someone else door". She said being rational.

"I know I can't, but I want to see my home one last time, please Shrestha" holding her(Shrestha) palm into hers.

"Okay, I guess you are up for that. Then I won't stop you". Assuring her caressing her knuckles.

"But 10 am sharp" hitting her head softly.

"Copy that" chuckled saluting her.

~Next day~

They reached at Green valley and knocked on house number 410. A man wearing kurta (Indian attire) came outside.

" Yes?"

"Good morning Mr. Chandel. I know it's weird to knock at your door at this time but she's want to meet you. She's the ex-owner of this house". Shrestha said before Advika could utter.

"Are you Mr. Singh daughter?"

"Yes, Mr. Chandel"

"Oh okay.. come inside".

"After moving your brother didn't connect me. How's he? Mr. Chandel said signed them to have seat.

"He's good. he just busy all these days may be that's why" Advika said while having seat on the two seater sofa.

"So what brings you here? You wanna purchase this house again." Mr. Chandel chuckled.

"I wish I could." She mumbled under her breathe bearly audible.

"No she want to see this house one last time before leaving." She said assuming Advika zone out.

"Oh yeah sure! We did little bit restoration after we buy this house" indicate them to walk to other corner of the house.

They followed him, wondering one room to another.

"He did change a lot" Shrestha said with wide eyes.

"I think I will leave you here to get you something to eat. You may continue" Mr. Chandel said and left them behind.

"He change this damn wall, my family photos were used to hanged there". Advika said staring at the abstract wall hanging looks like Pinterest view.

Window change to sliding glass doors
Dinner area change with couch, hugh tv and beautiful chandler above.
Wall white colour change into various colours,
Kitchen corner become more spacious and with dinner table attached to it.

"I think we need to go back" Advika said nearly to break down after seeing his father room which turned into a Barbie house which now belongs to Mr. Chandel's 8 years daughter.

Mr. Chandel come at the moment and flinched a bit to see Advika in tears. He move forward to ask about it but shrugged off by Shrestha.

"I think she's not feeling well, We will get going than thank you for your precious time. We need to leave" Shrestha said holding her with her both hand each side of advika's shoulder.

They went home they didn't talk during their ride.
She go upstairs in their bedroom She slept with heavy heart and warm tears. Shrestha give her time to rest knowing her exausting condition.


Stay tuned for upcoming part.

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