5. reunion

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~at midnight~

After the visit Advika didn't talk much. Sensing her condition Shrestha tried to talk her.

Advika back facing Shrestha on the bed while Shrestha laying on her back finally broke the silence between them.

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"You didn't talk much after the visit. You sure okay?" Shrestha said turned towards Advika's side.

"I tried but hadn't had words to describe How to?" Turn around facing Shrestha.

"Don't think too much that all in the past, nightmare over now." Shrestha said placing her hand on her shoulder.

"Hmm... Don't you think we people also need to change with time when things started to change around? Is it good?" Advika questioned with furrowing eyebrows.

"Indeed, they need to, they should and it's good to do so". Shrestha said assuring her in circling her thumb on her shoulder.

"Do you think I need to change?
Change for good?" Advika questioned again.

"You didn't need to change yourself completely but the way you think, your thought process need it" Shrestha still assuring.

"I know, and I think I need to. I can't be this forever. Can I?" Advika said with doe eyes.

"Now we're getting on same page bitch" Shrestha faking smile to make her laugh.

She didn't say anything and turned on her side back facing Shrestha.

They slept with pin drop silence between them.

~Next day~

They were having breakfast when Shrestha's phone chime.

She looked it and smiled ear to ear.
Scrolling up and down more shiftly.

Showing her phone screen to Advika who is still eat her breakfast quietly.

Shrestha said, "Our college mates is having reunion party next month. They invited me as well and asked to volunteer as coordinator and insisted me to tag along other batch mates with me, Will you come with me?" With inevitable smile.

Advika zone out.

Shrestha said shakingly her from zome out, " Will you come with me?"

Advika back to her sense and said, "if you're going".

"You little bitch always scared me, I thought you'll said No" Shrestha said chuckled.

"I promised last night, to work on myself, and I think it's time to prove it too." Advika said setting her glaze on her.

"I'm happy you said yes." Shrestha said rubbing Advika's knuckles.

"But I'm not". Advika said with poker face.

"Why? You were okay 2 minutes before. What now? Shrestha startled.

"You're not working on yourself" Advika said pressing both her lip hard against her teeth.

"On what?" Shrestha trembled.

"On your language." She fake sigh.

"Oh my fucking lord you whore scared me to my death." Shrestha said in one breathe than a deep sigh.

"See." Advika pointing.

"What you want?" Shrestha said making pout.

"Don't sad bad words when you're with me." Advika said brushing her nails

"I can't and you know this." Shrestha said cross her hand on her chest.

"Okay then I not coming in reunion party, I guess." Advika said with a smirk

"You can't do this." Shrestha said pouted.

"I can, you know me." Advika said giving her deadline glare.

"Okay I won't do that again." She nodded like good girl.

"Good." Happy with amendments.

"But I can't promise." Shrestha said with a giggle.

"Okay." Advika with done face.

"Now let's go to kanika's house we bitc...... I mean.. we need to discuss about the coordinator and stuff." Shrestha said playing with her fingers.

"Sure." With done face.

"Are you coming?"

"I guess I'm full so....yeah just give me 2 minutes."Advika said getting up from food counter.

"Hmm." Shrestha again started scrolling her phone screen.

Advika went upstairs to change then she picked her phone and walk out from the door with Shrestha towards Kanika's house.


Shorter than the previous one.

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