Jack's Moring Rotuine

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Jack wakes up knowing it will be just another boring day in a boring digital world. His antlers poked out of his blue and yellow sleeping cap. There were bags under his eyes, not just from a lack of sleep, but from the stress his so-called friends put on him. He walked to the bathroom mirror to brush his teeth. When he opens his mouth you can see his razor sharp teeth. He noticed that his eyes weren't covered and he stared deeply into them using the mirror. He had purple spirals for pupils that looked like big black holes that can swallow you whole. He brushed his pearly white hair over his eyes like his creator intended for. He didn't have to shower, use the toilet, or brush his teeth because he was an AI! He didn't have to do all that, but he liked to pretend that it helped.

He then went back to his bedroom to go get dressed. All he did was snap his fingers and his light blue overalls and really big, striped sleeves spawned on him. He then stretched and went into the kitchen to go make cereal. "Honey Krispies the cereal that my you say, 'Yippee!'" He laughed at the title, even though he had that cereal forever. He poured the weird looking cereal into his bowl and then poured the milk. He ate his cereal on his colorful couch and turned the TV on with the remote. Rainbows and cute little plushies shown on his screen. "Always eat your beans kids!", one of the plushies said while eating suspiciously bloody looking beans. He turned it off, not from being disturbed, but because he had to feed his pet rabbits.

He had four caged rabbits: Lola, Bugs Bunny, and Cottontail, who he still has even though it's dead. He went into the closet to see if he still had rabbit pellets. He grabs the foul smelling pellets and refills the cage's bowl. "Hello my little rabbit friends.", he said to the bunnies. Bugs was a little scared, Lola was sleeping, and Cottontail was just rotting away making his cheerful house smell like dead animals. He then went outside to get some fresh air. The whole world looked rather cartoony with the fake clouds and trees and pixelated grass. "Good morning!", he said to the sun which just creepily smiled at him back. He whistled, hopping down the street, going to see his friends.

411 Words

This is my first time doing this, so I hope you liked it.

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