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                              Omniscient POV:

After the meeting at Oprah's house Taraji and Fantasia decided they'd stay at Taraji's house for the night.

Figuring she'd be safer there or so they thought. When Taraji got home she explained to Terrence everything,

And he was more than understandable. He made a slight joke "man ima miss that cookie, cookie!"

Taraji and Terrence busted out laughing. "You not right Terrence!". But Fantasia didn't find it funny the least bit.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" no it's fine Terrence I have to work on my jealousy, you know?

"Yeah I get it, but I wish you two love birds the best."

"Thanks Terrence I love you be safe bye!"

Taraji's POV:

After Terrence left me and Tasia spent time in deep conversation, talking about everything.

Since Tasia wasn't safe home her new home would be with me. It would be our home.

As me and Tasia laid next to each other the moment felt so surreal.

We just stayed there admiring each other until we heard a loud noise.

What was that? "Sounded like a broken window."

Stay put, I'm gonna go check it out.

"No t stay here just call 911."

I'll go check it out, you call 911.

I reached down in my bottom drawer of the nightstand.

"Taraji why the fuck do you-"

We'll discuss that later baby, right now I need to figure who the fuck broke into my good glass.

"What ever I'm calling the police, cause you gon get your self killed."

As I went crept down stairs I saw this shadowy figure creeping down the hall to my guest bedroom.

Thinking quickly, as soon as they went in I locked the door, I heard them fumbling trying to get out.

I busted down the door gun pointed directly at them.

Give me one good reason why I shouldn't put this bullet in yo bitch ass head.

"Listen, you let me go and we both live."

Fuck you mean and we both live nigga..

"Listen Taraji you may have my wife but not for long."

K-Kendall oh nigga had I known it was you I would've been shot you.

Enough talking, you broke my expensive ass window and it's gon cost me extra to repair that shit.

Before I could pull the trigger he snatched the gun out my hands strangling my neck.

"I told you , you let me go we both live. Don't you ever in yo fucking life threaten. me. again. bitch."

hel- help me- is all I could mumble back before it faded to black.

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