~unfolding pt.3

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Fantasia's POV:

Wait a damn minute, her daddy is alive?


Why would you- why did he- WHAT IS GOING ON.

"It's a lot to explain."

Well you better get to explaining.

"Watch your mouth."

Sorry ma, but why would you not tell her?


-meanwhile at the top of the stairs

Taraji's POV:

I sat on the top of the stairs as I listen to my mom tell every thing.

My whole life had been a lie. Was she even my mom? Was this all even real?

I went downstairs acting like I heard nothing.

Everyone went silent.

"Oh hey princess I didn't see you come down."

Yeah, I'm gonna head out for a little bit I'll be back.

"I'm coming with you." Tasia said.

No it's fine I'd rather be alone.

"Well you can be alone with me I'm coming." She said grabbing her coat.

Truth is I didn't need to be alone I'd probably try to do something stupid.

Me and tasia got in the car and headed down the road.

"Do you always drive out to nowhere when you're upset?"

No, we're actually going somewhere.


To my dad's house.

"You heard her."

Yes, and I'm not even mad right now, I just want answers.

I should've known something was up. My dad didn't have a funeral.

Which was odd. And we had to move immediately after he died.

There was so much wrong with that picture, how could I not have realized.

"Just try to stay as calm as possible."

No promises.

Would you be calm in a situation like this?

"Probably not. But I need you to not act on impulse right now."


"Wait if your dad is not living here, then where are we going?"

To Georgia.



Calm down Fantasia, we both have money.

We can buy new clothes not that big of a deal. And you act like we won't be passing thousands of drive thrus.

I also have a house down there that I purchased for vacationing.

We will be fine my love.

"Oh you should've said all that then." She said rolling her eyes.

"But it is a long drive."

8 hours is not that bad.

"Why not just flyyy." She said with a pout.

Because I wanted to drive, you can always leave.

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