~Is it the end pt.3

386 18 14

James POV:

We finally got Tasha wired up and dressed.

We drove down to the location from Taraji's necklace.

It looked like an old run down building from the outside, so I'd knew we'd have to have a good plan.

Ok Tash you stumble in, act drunk. Act like you want to sleep with as many men as you can.

If they fall for it and take you in a room drug them all.

Tell them you just wanna loosen them up.

Take their weapons and whatever else you'll need, then we'll move in.


Well you better learn!

"Oh gosh the things I do for T and Tasia man."

"Ok sounds like a plan." Tasha said.

"Wear this." Mary said handing her a thong.

Um.. where did you get that from?

"Does it matter?"

Yes it matters the hell I wanna know who the fuck you wore it for.

"Don't worry about it. I had to enjoy life I mean-"

Save it. You're right.

Alright hurry we don't have much time tash.

"Yes sir!" She said getting out.

Fantasia's POV:

We had snuck back into the building basement.

So far no one had came down.

Taraji hasn't said a word to me since earlier.

I mean I'm saving her life here what more does she want?

Will you talk to me, please.

"No this is a stupid ass plan in a stupid ass place. I'd rather be tied up dead or something."

You're so fucking ungrateful you know that?

"How am I ungrateful? I didn't ask you to come help me."

Wow low fucking blow.

"I'm serious you should've thought that through. When we were outside you should've just stole a car or something."

Taraji you know what.. I'm not gonna cuss you out right now because I wanna believe deep down you don't mean that, but when you get back straight that ass is grass.

"I don't care. Matter of fact when we make it out, if we make it out. I wanna break up. We need space. Obviously you don't know what you want."

What do you mean I don't know?

I know exactly what I want and that's you.

You're the one who doesn't know what you want.

First you were sneaking around Terrence.

Then it was Diamond.

I know you still talk to her but I don't care.

I haven't said anything this whole time, I let you do you.

And now you wanna tell me you want a fucking break? Tuh! Don't make me beat your ass.

"First of fucking all I didn't fuck Diamond. And I stopped fucking Terrence after me and you got together."

"He was just some one who's been there for me, UNLIKE YOU."

LOW FUCKING BLOW. I've been here when no one else has. I helped you find your father that you thought was dead.

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