Hello, darling

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My name is Amelia Bennett & I'm a Bennett witch of Salem. My mother's side comes from a long line of very powerful witches. We settled in what later became known as the French Quarter of New Orleans.

The year was about 1820 when I first met Rebekah, she was at the Witch's Market in town. She told me the first thing that caught her attention was how my green ribbon matched the green trimmings on my pearl white dress. I carefully crafted the pattern by hand because I wanted anyone who noticed it to realize I'm very good with my hands.

On my table was a collection of products neatly placed across my table. I was the youngest one with a table at the market and Rebekah & I couldn't have been that far apart in age. Or so I thought 🤭

There were soaps, butters, creams, & scrubs on one side and the most adorable handmade jewelry on the other. My signature to my jewelry was was the special color coordinated schemes they all had. Earrings, bracelets, rings, necklaces, & anklets and all eye catching pieces to girls like us.

"Good morning gorgeous, have any of my items caught your nose or your eye?" I asked Rebekah with a warm, inviting smile.

"You must've known I was coming. I'll admit you've definitely caught my eye with this lovely jewelry. I have a curiosity about your other items for sale," she expressed to me.

"Oh yes, my special project. These are from the finest gifts Mother Nature has to offer our temples we call, 'our bodies'. They treat scars, blemishes, rashes, dryness and bring out your inner glow. A couple of days with my turmeric oat honey soap 🧼 and my cocoa shea body butter 🧈, and that beautiful face of yours will glow brighter than the sun," I said as I handed her a soap to smell.

"You're just trying to stroke my ego to gain another customer," she teased as she raised the bar to her nose. Her eyes closed to focus on the scent she was taking in. "I must say you lead with a very convincing argument. This smells divine! I'd ask what you put in it but I'm sure it's a secret, is it not?" Rebekah asked me.

"There is a secret ingredient but I can tell you that it has all natural ingredients that come from the earth. Each item you see before you was made with a lot of tender love and care," I assured her.

"Well, I don't have too many scars to erase but I love to smell good. I'd like a soap, a butter, and 2 complete matching sets of jewelry, please." It was when she reached into her bag that I took notice of her ring. As someone that makes jewelry, I always look to see what others like to wear but I noticed her ring wasn't just a ring.

It was a daylight ring.

Not many witches know what those are & only witches know how to make them since they require magic. The only person who would need a daylight ring would be a vampire.

I've heard stories about them. My curiosity is why I know what a daylight ring even looks like yet this is the first vampire I've ever met before. Her face was so beautiful; her silky blonde hair, her eyes blue as the sky on a perfect day, & she seemed so nice. The stories I've heard described vampires to be monsters but the young girl before me was far from a monster. Not wanting her to know that I knew what she was, I carried on as if I didn't even see it.

I bagged up her items & exchanged it for her money.

"Thank you darling. The boys are sure to fawn over me after a nice bath with these," smiled Rebekah.

"If you think the soap and butter is a boy magnet, wait until you apply one of my essential oils after your bath. The aroma is so pleasantly intoxicating, the finest wealthiest men in the land will find you irresistible," I whispered.

"Is that so? Or are you just trying to upsell your merchandise?" She asked.

"Oh no, my friend. These oils aren't for sale. There are some things I prefer to keep to myself,"I confirmed as I dropped one in her bag. "But I don't mind sharing with friends."

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