You're Not Like The Others

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Trying to go undetected in this town where you're not only supposed to be a slave during this time unless otherwise pardoned, it made me feel very special the way Rebekah befriended me. Granted, the paranoid side of me was very alert in this moment. I've never been in town before without the other witches from my coven. I wanted to maintain their trust so to avoid anyone thinking I'm leading them to their doom, I chose to reveal something very personal.

"You should know that only Ms. Pearl has brought me into town with her and my coven. Being the eldest of 3, my mother sends me in her place, courtesy of her wretched husband, Theodore Claire," I rolled my eyes at the mention of his name even though Rebekah was to my left while Kol & Elijah trailed closely behind.

"You don't sound very fond of him," Elijah noticed.

"Not in the slightest," I said in response. "I will acknowledge that I always present a warm radiant energy when I meet someone. Theodore, however, met my mother while she was pregnant with me."

"He knew she was pregnant by someone else and still chose to marry her. Why take that out on you?" Rebekah asked.

"He never married her. He just calls her his wife and since she's a runaway slave, she goes along with it. The term "wife" for her was simply to help himself gain respect from the witches who have yet to wed in our coven." I admitted. It was almost therapeutic saying these words aloud to listening ears.

"I see why you loathe him. Would you like for me to rip out his throat on your behalf, gorgeous?" Kol asked me. The fluttering of the butterflies in my stomach to his flirting gave me an idea. As we approached the grasslands that were surrounded by a beautiful array of colors among the flowers and trees, I took notice to a dandelion close by. I picked is by the stem and cupped it in my hands. After mumbling a few words from a spell I created when I was a young girl, I slowly opened my hands and out flew half a dozen blue butterflies 🦋 when the dandelion once was. Their wings glistened in the sun as they delicately floated past our faces towards the sky. They each seemed very impressed by that little trick.

"Well, that was beautiful. What else can you do?" Kol asked with a curious expression on his face.

"For starters, my garden is very sacred to me so I've already placed a cloaking spell on us the moment we touched the grass. Anyone who finds us now is only trying to find you," I alerted.

"Oh," said a surprised Kol. "I didn't see that one coming. Also impressive. But, uh, I was hoping for more nature related magic that I could see, honestly."

I smiled at his humor. "Well, I'm not in the business of disappointing others," I said as I walked over to the magnolia tree a few feet away. There was a flower that had yet to bloom on a branch just at my fingertips reach. I whispered a few words to the flower, waved my hand over it and before our eyes the petals bloomed so big that it grew larger than my palm. When I noticed how Rebekah's eyes shined at the sight of it, I gently placed the magnolia in the bun she had at the crown of her head. "An elegant beauty on an elegant beauty. Poetic, isn't it?" I said to her with a smile.

"Amelia, you seem like such a lovely lady. The man you say is your leader certainly doesn't sound like the kind of man an entire coven of witches would be fond of being in charge. What kind of person have you been dealing with for him to knowingly take on the role as your father, continue to be with your mother, just to mistreat you?" Elijah asked with strong concern in his voice.

"The kind that channels my family's magic and pretends that it's his," I told him. I noticed a tulip 🌷 had been nibbled off by a rabbit at some point. I yanked the bulb from the root, used my magic to bring it back to life, then handed it to Elijah.

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