As Long As I'm Allowed To Live

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The siblings looked at me with a startled expression; they were as intrigued as they were surprised by my words. Not nearly as startled as I was realizing just how powerful these beings standing before my eyes really were.

Klaus, of course, was the first to speak. "What do you mean 'break our curses'?

"The curse that plagued your family with blood lust and immorality, I may be able to reverse it, "I answered him. "If you wish, you no longer have to suffer for the mistake your parents made."

"You think you could make us human again?" Rebekah asked.

"It's possible. My ancestors, Quetsiyah & Ayanna, they have a lot to with the creation of immortality. I'm sure if I find the right ingredients & can channel enough power, I may be able to create my own spell to reverse the curse" I said.

Kol put his hand to his chin, "Amelia has a point. One thing about the witches is there's always a loophole to balance out nature,"

Elijah put his hand on his hip & hung his head. His face read that he wanted to believe there might be a way but he doesn't want to be disappointed.

"Her bloodline created the spell for vampirism, Elijah, certainly that has to count for something.," Rebekah pleaded to her brother in hopes that he would understand.

He walked in a tight circle, pacing, pondering the thoughts that I can imagine rushed through his brain. Surely, my aunt has some sort of impact on his conclusion but I had no idea what kind.

"Amelia, if Theodore was sent to hunt your mother, a runaway witch from the plantation, yet he was prepared with an army, I'm afraid Celeste may have been asked to find your mother before Theodore's presence was requested. You all share the same blood, therefore, she is allowed to see you as you saw her today," Elijah finally said.

I turned to face him; that paranoid feeling crept into my mind like the wind through an open door.

"Come with me. I'll explain on the way to my village," I said as I headed in the direction home.

"If she learns of my existence, she might be forced to tell the governor. If Theodore were to know I've been practicing my own magic, the punishment from my coven is fatal," I admitted to them hoping they wouldn't panic.

"Fatal?" Rebekah questioned.

"You're a witch! It's literally in your nature for you to practice magic. He feeds off your family's power and has the audacity to control how you use it?" Kol said, every word filled with more rage than the last.

"He has the others so convinced because they were all victims of vampires and werewolves. When the weather warms, Theodore travels nearby lands to finds witches that fell victim to the wrath of the supernatural to recruit to our coven. The more tragic their story, the deeper their allegiance would be to Theodore's cause. Most of them feel very strongly about serving the assigned punishment to the crime committed. It's only happened once and the punishment they have picked out for those caught doing magic on their own..." I trailed off my words. There was a secret that wasn't exactly a secret but I always hated to talk about it.

"What is it? Tell us, Amelia, what kind of punishment could they possibly have made just to punish you for using your own magic?" Rebekah asked.

When I looked to face her, salty tears were already streaming down my face. The truth was inevitable for me at this moment. "Those caught helping wolves will have all of their bones broken. Those caught helping vampires will be burned alive. The same torturous agonies those we helped suffer from. Thanks to me, those who are caught using magic outside of the coven will be turned to stone."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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