Chapter 4 - Fudge

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"Package arrived, everything set up. Target on the move." The voice on the other side said.

I heard a floor panel creak behind me. My head spun, and in the distance I noticed someone's socked foot sticking out against the marble tiles.

I kept my eyes on it as I spoke in code to ensure they didn't know what it was really about.

"Ah of course! Yes that's okay, I've already logged your business trip with HR. I am a little preoccupied with something else, but can I just confirm where it is for and how long it will take?"

"Spotted in Marseille, France. Field operators on the ground tracking him. Don't worry, we got this." James replied.

"Okay, but remember I want to know all the details too. Don't take any rash decisions without my consent." I commanded. Hearing how I sounded, I decided to sweeten the ending. "Enjoy your trip, bye!"

The phone disconnected. Keeping my eyes out, I took out the sim and broke it in half, and put everything back into my pocket. Then, being careful to not make too much noise, I creeped towards the person hiding.

"Whoever it is, you may as well come out now instead of hiding." I said just loud enough to be a little intimidating. The foot moved away from view with a slight gasp.

"Come out now please. Eavesdropping is rude."

It seems it was enough, for as soon as I said it, Aliha popped out.


5 minutes earlier...

Alhamdulillah! The moment I was waiting for had finally arrived- about time too!

Lemme give you an update on what I mean...

Since the wedding, Ian was due to talk to my father. I was wearing that necklace proudly, and when I was asked where I got it from I simply said it was a gift from someone dear to me.

But then, Ian disappeared for a little while. All he told me was to trust him.

Ian called out. I could t hide for much longer, and then I thought 'why am I even hiding?' So I came out.

"Ian I swear I wasn't eavesdropping, I'm sorry if it seems like that. I was just waiting for you to finish—"

"—Don't worry, I trust you." He replied cutting me off. I looked away and down in embarrassment, realising that I was just overthinking.

I saw Hiba coming into the corridor. "Let's just go shall we?" I said to Ian. He nodded, and we both made our way back to the living room, where Arsalan had come down after tending to the kids again.

"You'd better start preparing didi." She whispered to me.

"Preparing for what? The wedding? But we don't even have a date yet." I asked back.

"You think I was talking only the wedding? I mean everything else that comes with marriage!" She replied just loud enough that Ian smiled, knowing what she meant. I smiled too at the thought of life with Ian, but then I caught myself blushing and tried to hide it from him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09 ⏰

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