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Okay so there is a lot to summarize up here.

This is 9 years after everything happened.

Classes are different for 1st terms than 2 and up.
Monday: Water/Fire
Tuesday: Air/Geo
Wednesday: Light/Dark
Thursday: History/Spells
Friday: Potions

First terms don't get fauna's and once you graduate you don't take your fauna with you.


Sean and Daisy got married, I don't really ship them but I needed a last name for Daisy lmao.

Milly and Elliot are engaged so not married yet.

Luke and Zander got married as well but each of them decided to keep their own last names, and they adopted a set of twins. Lilly and Daniel.

All of them are division professors except Jake.

Sean teaches the 2+ terms while Daisy teaches the 1st terms. Better explanation, George is their kid.

The rest of them teach 2 classes a week.

There are other teachers teaching History, Spells, and Potions but Im too lazy to name them.

Rosy is Starlets godmother, she doesn't have any other godparents.

Jake and Hailey occasionally return home to visit their parents. Same with the other professors.

Milo actually does attend the academy as a term 7. He may or may not be included. He actually inherited Felix's Pyro division.

Bethany does too but as a third term. She's in the twilight division.

In history class they mainly talk about Felix and Rosy but only the bare minimum is known about how Ezekiel was defeated. To sum it up no one knew Jake did it and they don't know what division he is in.

Super excited for this book!!! A lot more to be uncovered but I won't spoil it! I also wanted to add that both me and Minty will be working on chapters together so our writing styles may clash a bit. Also I have no idea when the next chapter will be done but this is just to explain stuff better. Anyways have a wonderful day and yes I acknowledge all the typos in the Epilogue of the first book, I'm not fixing it cause I'm too lazy. But getting back into the flow of writing and living my life again so I appreciate all the love and support I get. Thanks for reading this. <3

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