Chapter two: Makeups a first
Today is the first day of school and first impressions mean everything! Especially is your a freshman.
I do not want to stand out as the dorky girl who has the hot sister, so i decided that i should just try to blend in today.That's not really easy though when you have a mouth full of metal and a pair of geeky bifocals. Anyways i try my best. I curl my hair like most girls do on the first day of school, i dig out my tightest pair of Abrecrombie and Fitch jeans from like 7th grade, a white sheer top, and a pair of white chucks. Now it's makeup time. How you do your makeup really tells who you are as a person so i go for the natural look. You see this is my first time ever dealing with makeup before. I have watched quite a few makeup tutorial and i am always watching how perfect Taylor and my mother apply their makeup, but i've never really experimented with it on my own. So i start with a light foundation, a touch of concealer, i skip the eye shadow (too big of a hastle), i apply about three or four coats of mascara and I'm done. Off to school.
Now i may look decent, but when Taylor walks out of her bedroom, she looks like a goddess.A trashy one though. Taylor has her hair curled like mine, but hers has may more volume and each piece of hair has the perfect curl to it. Her blonde hair makes the curls look extra amazing, where as mine blend into my dark brown hair.
Taylor's makeup looks like she got it professionally done. She has a light foundation, but it's not like she needs it anyways. Her skin is flawless. Then she has a light brown eyeshadow and defined it with a darker brown in the crease and a cream color right under her brow bone and it looks like she has about 20 coats of her favorite mascara on with a light pink lipstick to top it off.
Now her outfit looks like it came straight off of the runway. Designer miss me shorts, a white Chanel flowy crop top with black lettering, and black pumps (typical Taylor), always trying to impress everyone. Especially the boys.

Living with Miss Perfect
RandomAria Fitzgerald tells the story of what it's like to live in the shadow of little miss perfect. Aria is the younger sister of Taylor Fitzgerald, the prettiest and most popular girl at Linfield High School. Every day is a constant struggle to be just...