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energy, good luck, warmth, creativity, prosperity, passion

Marigold are like the sun on earth, bringing light, and warmth to everything around them.

Just, like that one energetic friend...

The special one....

The energetic one....

The weird one....

You can say 

"The dumb one"

But, there's just something special about them, really..

Just, like a flower waiting to blossom....

marigolds may also symbolise grief, despair and jealousy and be associated with death, remembrance and resurrection

Just, like when you lose someone special to you...

You're beautiful Rose dies....

It turns black....

And, then it eventually falls off on purpose....

But, it may recover.....

And, that's highly unlikely....

Maybe, after time....

The Rose will find another Rose, and blossom with it for eternity....

Perhaps, Platonic love...

Or, Romantic love....

But, as a wise person said....

and I quote...

"Please don't ever worry, I know it's morbid. But, we all die one day."

Might help you recover...

This is a book...

About, how the...



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