Parts: 27-28

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Part: 27 Cheating

Bai Ling asked curiously, “How did you catch it? That fish is too slippery. You can’t catch it at all!”

The jealousy in Tan Si’s eyes disappeared in a flash. She went forward and praised with a joking tone, “It’s so amazing that you could catch so many! Could it be that the production team secretly taught you the method? The production team shouldn’t be biased.”

Tan Si’s words practically pinned the word “cheating” on Jiang Huai and Tan Ming.

Jiang Huai looked at Tan Si coldly. “What a huge accusation… We must be cheating because we did better? Are you going to ask me to produce evidence to prove that I didn’t cheat? Then, the last time you were the first to get the supplies bag, were you so fast because you knew the position in advance?”

Jiang Huai was famous in the group for being unafraid of offending people. He had always been honest and never hid anything. If they angered him, he would provoke the other party at their sore spot.

Tan Si saw that Tan Ming was better than her in missions, so she was angry for a moment. She forgot that Jiang Huai was not afraid of offending people, but she did not dare to retort. Not to mention that Jiang Huai entered the entertainment industry earlier than her, and his status in the entertainment industry was not something she could compare to.

Tan Si thought she could take one step back for three steps forward. She put on the act that she was best at and said with an aggrieved expression, “I’m sorry. I don’t know how to speak well. I was just joking. Don’t misunderstand.”

Wang Li’s heart ached when she saw her daughter being wronged. She hurriedly looked at Tan Ming, hinting for her to quickly put in a good word for Tan Si and prove her daughter’s innocence.

Tan Ming looked away expressionlessly when she saw Wang Li’s gaze.

This reaction made Wang Li’s expression turn even uglier. Although she didn’t know why Tan Ming’s temperament changed drastically after giving birth, it didn’t stop her from deciding to teach Tan Ming a lesson after this show ended. After all, without the Si family’s protection, Tan Ming was worse than a stray dog that could be bullied by anyone.

“It’s really easy to act misunderstood. I don’t believe that Tan Si was joking. If Brother Huai hadn’t been so unyielding, he would have been misunderstood by the onlookers who don’t know the truth.”

“That’s right. How can we prove this? Do we have to make all the staff take a blood oath or check all the chat records? If we want to accuse someone, we have to find a proper reason. If we really make them swear their honesty, we then have to get someone to prove the authenticity of their words too.”

“I hate Tan Si, this scheming woman, more and more! It’s like she’s asking someone to cut open their stomach to prove that they’ve not eaten anything. How vicious!”

Their idol had been slandered. Jiang Huai’s live-stream was filled with curses directed at Tan Si. The fans who had infiltrated from Tan Si’s side did not dare to speak anymore, afraid that they would be torn apart by these people if they opened their mouths.

This was despite them firmly believing that this was a misunderstanding caused by their idol’s poor way of speaking and that she was not a scheming person at all.

Jiang Huai ignored Wang Li and her daughter. The atmosphere was a little stiff. Tan Si was embarrassed and felt wronged. Her plan did not succeed. Did Jiang Huai have to disrespect a girl like her?

Director Han felt a little regretful that Jiang Huai did not chase the matter. He gestured for the staff to give each group a piece of paper and a pen. “Everyone, please rank the seafood harvested by each group. The ranking criteria is according to the group of food you want to eat the most at night.”

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