Parts: 69-70

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Part: 69 Harsh Words

There were a lot of miscellaneous items in her bag. It weighed about three to four catties. Tan Ming weighed it a few times and decided to carry it on her back first.

At this moment, the two men were already almost in front of her. Tan Ming hid the spray between her body and bag and quickly ran two steps to give herself the upper hand. Then, when the two of them were within a meter, she suddenly took out the spray and sprayed it into their eyes.

The spray was carried by the sea breeze and entered their eyes.

The men’s angry roars sounded. Then, the two of them shouted in the local language.

Tan Ming didn’t understand either. She was focused on finding an opportunity to launch a sneak attack. She chose the one in more serious condition and swung her bag, jumped up, and smashed the other party’s head.

The corner of a square iron box in the bag happened to hit the man’s head. Although there was a canvas layer between them, it did nothing against Tan Ming’s miraculous strength. He felt a little dizzy and blood immediately flowed from his head and down his forehead.

Taking advantage of the fact that the other party’s grip on the weapon had loosened, Tan Ming hurriedly snatched it and swept it towards the ear of the other man who had regained his senses and wanted to grab her.


The other party only felt a sharp pain in his ear. The outside world suddenly became quiet. He could only hear a buzzing sound in his head. When Tan Ming saw that the other party was a little stunned, she took the opportunity to hit his neck again.

At the same time, Tan Ming did not forget to take care of the other man who she had already beaten. She kicked the man’s crotch with all her might, and the other party’s miserable cry resounded throughout the beach.

It made the group of men surrounding Zou Bai in the distance feel a little terrified.

“That woman seems to have injured Seventh and Eighth Brother!”

As soon as he finished speaking, another man saw his two companions being beaten to the ground by Tan Ming. “Not good! Let’s go and provide support!” “That woman can’t be a police officer, right?!”

“No matter what, we have to bring the two of them back first. That woman was so ruthless. I wonder if they’re still alive!”

The bald man in the lead looked at the man in front of him who kept making himself bleed with a dagger to stay conscious. He really did not want to let go of this good opportunity to surround and kill him. “Finish the mission first!”

When the others heard this, they were a little unconvinced, but in the end, they chose to follow their boss’s orders.

Tan Ming looked at the two men who had fallen to the ground and were temporarily unconscious. She heaved a sigh of relief and picked up the phone that had accidentally fallen to the ground when she threw the food earlier. She realized that no matter how she pressed the screen, there was no response. She sighed. “You’ve already persisted for six years, I can’t say more, but even if you could just last for another two hours and let me return to the hotel, it would be great.”

Tan Ming looked up at the battle situation in the distance and realized that two of the topless men had also fallen. There were still four standing. The white-shirted man who was surrounded was already a little unstable. She felt that the situation was not good. If she went over, the other party would probably not be able to fight together either. She wanted to leave first and wait for the police to come.

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