Parts: 39-40

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Part: 39 Money tree

“Quick, are the sisters who helped keep score in the morning here? Announce it to us!”

“Coming, coming! Zhou Yan is ranked first with 10 points, Bai Ling has 9 points, Jiang Huai has 8 points, Tan Si has 5 points, and Yuan Jing has 1 point.”

“The polarization is really serious. It’s really like a drought compared to a flood!”

“Haha, Yuan Jing and her brother are really lonely.”

“They’re playing just to accompany the others.”

“Other than the top three, I feel like the other two don’t have to struggle anymore. They’re just fighting to see who’ll be in the bottom position.”

Director Han announced the rules of the next round and reminded, “This is a mission that can earn you points. Please cherish your last chance.”

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone saw a group of staff carrying a long table filled with various ingredients and vegetables.

Director Han continued, “Everyone, please choose your ingredients for tonight.”

The guests could not believe it. They went forward and looked at the table full of fresh ingredients.

Bai Ling’s first reaction was suspicion. She looked at Director Han and asked, “When did the production team become so good to us?”

Hou Li was a host herself, so she knew that she shouldn’t just look at the surface. She and her husband planned to wait and see.

“Director Han, what tricks are you trying to play this time?”

“It’s the last day already. Please be human.”

The guests did not dare to believe it easily and voiced their doubts.

Director Han did not expect everyone to be so vigilant today after only playing together for a day.

Director Han squeezed out a kind smile. “We should have more trust in this world. I swear to God! These are really the ingredients for tonight. Hurry up and choose. Each of you can pick ingredients for one dish. If you don’t choose it in five minutes, don’t blame me for disqualifying you from obtaining the ingredients.”

The guests only wanted to know what the rules were in advance to avoid falling into any traps. However, Director Han was set on not revealing anything, so everyone could only choose their ingredients first.

As Tan Ming was the one cooking, Jiang Huai took the initiative to ask, “What should we take?”

Tan Ming looked at the fat chicken on the table and rubbed her stomach. She felt that her stomach was craving chicken. “Let’s have mushroom chicken tonight. This chicken is quite meaty. It weighs about three to four catties. It’s just right for us to eat. We’ll use some mushrooms and garlic to go with it.”

Zhou Yan and his wife were thinking about the program team’s strategy at the side. “I think Director Han still wants to reverse the situation to entertain the audience.”

Hou Li nodded in agreement. “That’s why we might not be able to get what we want.”

After some thought, the couple decided to choose ingredients like beef, green melon, and millet pepper according to their preferences.

“Hahaha, your analysis was so thorough, but in the end, you still followed your preferences like Sister An!”

“I’m suddenly looking forward to the reversal!”

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