00. The Aching Heart

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I miss you, J.

I told the skies about you, I still do.

"When the sun finally sits on the edge of orange hue, and i surely bleed for the pain I caused you."

Now I know I can't love anyone like I once love you. 

"I understand how important this stuff to both of us, and neither of us should have to compromise. But I also would still want to be with you.. I guess we'll just have to figure something out if we ever get to that point."

I still love you, it hurts.

"I love you with a fibre of my being. You are like flowers blooming in the spring."

You are like the sun shining warmth in my darkest time, J.

"I would do 'oh, geez' and so much more for you, Gantari. I would cross rivers and climb mountains for your love, I would walk on burning hot coals and through endless fields."

Yet I pushed you too far.

Two years, J. I still can't get over you.

Harusnya aku senang karena berhasil bikin kita jauh. 

Aku kira dengan jauh dari kamu, semua rasa ini akan perlahan menghilang. Tapi, rasanya  masih sama kayak pertama kali aku mutusin untuk putus komunikasi sama kamu. Rasanya masih sama kayak pertama kali aku sadar, kita adalah sebuah kesalahan.

I wish you win in this life, J. 

I want you win as bad as i want to win in this life. I silently rooting for you.

Dein lieblings, Gantari.

Dein lieblings, Gantari

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Selamat menikmati sebuah pertunjukan hati, disclaimer, ini hanya sebuah cerita fiksi. Rasa sakitnya jangan terlalu dimasukkan ke hati :D

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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