Chapter 1

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The sky was dark and cloudy as rain came pouring down. Despite the weather, people continued on with their daily lives in a bustling city. People marched around the market area getting what they want. There were even more people who were tourists from other planets not too far. Overall, things seemed to be peaceful.

Y/N was among the crowd, making his way around everyone. He wasn't there to buy anything and wasn't interested in joining the tourists. His time on this planet was done. He did what he came here for and was ready to leave.

It wasn't a hard job for him. Leaders of the planet reached out to him for his help. His name was known by a few people, either for his work that he does now or, regrettably, the work he did for the Stellaron Hunters. For this job, all he had to do was find someone who evaded authorities and confirm that they committed the crime they were accused of. It was simple enough for him.

Y/N arrived back at the ship he used to travel across the universe. However, he noticed that there was someone else nearby, a person he didn't know. "Who are you? Need something?" He asks.

The woman noticed him and bows politely. "Ah, hello. I was hoping I could see you. I'm here on behalf of The Family from Penacony. They would like to extend an invitation to you to come visit for the upcoming festival." She replied as she held out a fancy looking letter to Y/N.

Y/N takes the letter and opens it to read what it said. Most of it was a bunch of flattery that he assumed all other recipients received as well. The only part he payed attention to was the last party that said he was actually invited. "As nice as this is, I don't see why I'm getting this. Aren't the people who usually receive invitations from big corporations or just big names across the universe? I don't really fall into those categories. If this is about my... past affiliations, I'm no longer part of that group." He stated.

The woman shrugs. "I'm sorry, I can't really provide much information on why you received an invitation. I was only told to come deliver it to you. The Family heard you were here and sent me to bring it to you. If you're curious, you'll have to ask The Family yourself. Please consider coming to see the festival." She bows politely and took her leave.

Y/N sighs and got into his ship. He looked over the letter a few times and thought to himself about the intention here. 'I'm not an idiot, I know The Family has their reason for this. I remember that Elio mentioned Penacony in the script, though he never told me the specifics on it. I know he said Sam would be there...' He wasn't sure if he wanted to go or not. This could be something that would end up bad for him.

In the end, he decided that he would pay a visit to Penacony and check it out. If he noticed something that could end up being trouble for him personally, he'll leave. Maybe this could be a nice vacation.

Y/N set his destination for Penacony and waited for his arrival. The trip would only take a day so he rested up in the meantime. When he finally touched down, he gathered his belongings he'll need and went to check in. After that was settled, he was about to make his way to his room, then he got stopped.

"You must be Y/N, right? I'm happy you chose to come here." A voice said from behind him.

Turning around to see who it was, there was two people. One was Sunday, the one who spoke, and the other was his sister, Robin.

"Couldn't hurt to check this place out. I am curious about one thing if you'll indulge me." Y/N takes out his invitation and shows it to them. "Why was I sent a letter? I'm not someone of high stature. Doesn't make sense as to why I was given this."

Sunday kept a smile on his face the entire time. "Well, I have heard of you doing some great accomplishments across the universe. I figured you would like a break. I don't think there's anything to weird about that. I can assure you, this has nothing to do with your past group."

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