2. Something Big

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For the fourth night in a row, the Lost Boys retired to their sleeping tents without a bonfire or celebration of any kind. Sure, the embers were enchanted to never be extinguished, but that was beside the point.

Pan sent Felix to bring the prisoner 'dinner' - a hollowed coconut half with a few mixed island berries and, if she was lucky, some leafy green vegetables.

Felix obliged without word to his companion or Kalani herself, and by the time he'd returned, Pan was gone.

But Felix wasn't quite ready for bed yet.

He hadn't slept for many nights now and instead found time between hunting and playing games to doze off for a short while.

After checking around to be certain no one was left awake, Felix left the camp.

He walked south, but the direction of his destination depended on the location of the camp.

Thankfully for Felix, where he was going was not a journey for the lighthearted, though none of the Lost Boys could hardly be called that.

There were a thousand different twists and turns to his route and half the time he was certain he wasn't even on a worn down pathway the boys had created.

After a near twenty-minute walk, Felix arrived at the base of a tree, which looked completely ordinary from the outside; but appearances can be deceiving.

As quietly as possible he pulled back the vines growing along the length of the trunk to reveal niches in the wood that served as a ladder.

Up and up he climbed until the canopy of the tree was in sight. From there, Felix could see the bottom layout of a small wooden house. There was the lining of a cutout in the floor, or what looked like a ceiling to him. He knew this was the door - he'd used it many times before.

To avoid any risks of squeaking, Felix gently nudged upwards at the entrance of the hidden home.

The trap door easily slid open and he pushed it aside. He prepared to launch himself up into the home when a face blocked his way.

"You had me worried sick!" a New Zealand accent hissed.

Though Felix had just been reprimanded, he couldn't help but grin at the girl that stood above him, the pale skin crinkling at the edge of his baby blue eyes.

"Nice to see you too, Tink," he politely replied, finishing off the climb by hauling his body into the tree house.

After standing up fulling and dusting himself off he could look at the situation properly.

Before him stood a short girl dressed completely in Neverland's standard forest green shade. Blond curls escaped in all directions from the bun perfectly placed on her head.

Tinker Bell fumed and narrowed her eyes at Felix. "It's been later every night, Felix," she complained wistfully,

"Why does it have to be like this?"

"You know exactly why," Felix countered. "Because if he ever found out he'd kill you, then me, then me again," he explained calmly.

There was silence between the two.

Tink decided not to respond and instead walked to two steps it took to get to the makeshift stove top she'd created - being a tinker had its perks.

Felix remained in his current position, but he hated it.

He hated everything about what he was doing except his purpose for all of it - the lying, secrecy, betrayal: Tink.

He took a deep breath and turned to face Tink's back, who appeared to be fixing tea.

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