7. Both of Us

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Awkward couldn't even begin to describe Kalani's bathing experience. Though she wouldn't go so far as to say it was humiliating, either. Peter wasn't watching her after all, or at least said he wasn't.

She did as he said and called for his attention when she was finished, making sure to keep her lower half beneath the water and her upper half securely covered by her arms. When Peter got the signal that she was finished, he turned and started toward the edge of the water.

Noticing how uncomfortable Kalani seemed, Peter couldn't help but smirk in amusement.

"You don't need to hide, you know!" he teased her playfully, chuckling when he received a glare in response.

"Well I wouldn't need to if you would give me some clothes," she snapped back at him in annoyance.

Peter lifted his eyebrows, surprised. It appeared that washing up had done a number on the girl's confidence.

"Who said anything about giving you clothes?," he said with a smirk.

Kalani's jaw dropped in shock and horror, making Pan burst out into a fit of hearty laughter. Even though it was directed at her, she couldn't help but find it rather adorable.

"I'm kidding!" he managed to get out between giggles. "Gods, though, you should have seen your face!" he erupted into another giggle fit on the shore, earning an embarrassed frown from Kalani.

After he had calmed down, he flashed Kalani a sympathetic smile. "Oh, come on, lighten up," he said, waving his hand and causing a dry, fluffy towel to appear around her shoulders.

Careful not to get the towel wet, she wrapped it around herself and waded through the water back towards the bank Peter waited on.

"Thanks," she mumbled, her gaze downward. She hoped he recognized he only thing she was thankful for was the towel, nothing else.

"You're welcome," he said smugly as she came completely out of the water. Hugging her body tightly, the towel hardly came passed her mid-thigh, and Kalani doubted Peter had done that by accident

When Kalani didn't respond, he sighed and held out his hand in front of her, her hair dripping in wet ringlets hanging from her head. It was at least clean, now.

In Peter's palm appeared a fresh set of clothes: thin jeans that looked protective against the Neverland forests but cool enough that she wouldn't die of a heat stroke in the warm climate. On top of the pants was a comfortable-looking tee shirt that would probably have the same effect the jeans did.

A new set of undergarments topped it all off, making Kalani cringe and blush at the same time.

"Was the lace really necessary?," she asked weakly, casting a glance toward the barely-there bra and underwear. She hadn't realized Peter was so... kinky.

He smirked and snickered a little at her, his darker side getting the best of him. "Absolutely," he replied. "Now drop the towel."

Kalani's eyes zoomed to his, wide and disbelieving. "Excuse me?"

"Drop the towel," he said again, as if he were growing bored having to repeat himself.

Kalani rolled her eyes and popped a hip. "I can get dressed on my own, thank you very much," she said, reaching a hand out toward the stack of clothes.

Peter drew them out of her reach and glared at her. "Drop. The. Towel," he growled. "Before I make you."

Kalani swallowed. She had never been seen like that by anyone, unless her mom counted. And with the way things had been going lately, there was a slim to none chance of her escaping this encounter... untouched.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2015 ⏰

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