Earthrealm is in jeopardy since Outworld has only one win left for it to be allowed to inavde Earthrealm, Combatants would be invited from all around the world and settle the fate of the realms in Mortal Kombat.
Hello, everyone, i hope that you are all doing well, firstly i would like to apologize for the lack of updates on this story, i have been working on my other stories and right now i am doing the Rise of the Ranger story, I'll publish two chapters from it than two chapters for this which will also conclude the MK1 (1992) section of this story in the original timeline. I also would like to share with you guys an art that i commissioned from the amazing, MartinGianoniart, you can find his page on instagram. He had some incredible art that intrigued me so i asked for a commission for our good boy, Ezekiel Abderson, but i'll tell you guys from now that the art style isn't exactly like the games or the comics that MK has, but i found the artwork to be phenomenal and it gives me and everyone else a visual representation of how the Gladiator looks like, shall we begin?
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This is how he currently looks like in the story right now
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And this is for much later, i think the fans will get when he gets this look later on in the story.
That is all everyone, i hope you guys were able to get how Ezekiel looks like and the great artwork by Martin Gianoni, anyways, take care everyone and stay safe and hope to see you in the next two chapters. Peace out.