Chapter 10 - Crimson Covenant Cult

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Location: Makai.

PoV: ???

???: What a mess, I told her not to leave...

A woman with light-blue eyes, white hair, and red robes sat on a chair. Next to her is her servant, who has yellow eyes, yellow wavy hair, and wears a red and white maid outfit.

???: Shinki-sama, should I go after her?

Shinki: Forget it, Yumeko. The Hakurei shrine maiden will deal with her.

Yumeko: But what if she causes a large incident?

Shinki: Hopefully, it won't come to that. Please go bring me some tea.

Yumeko: Yes.

Yumeko bows and leaves.

Shinki rubs her forehead and sighs.

Shinki: Elis... Why did you leave?


Location: Somewhere near the Human Village.

PoV: Hanzo Akaki.

Today is my day off, so I decided to visit a lamprey stand for a change. Next to me is my friend and rival, Yuugi.

Yuugi: I will have five grilled lamps.

Hanzo: Glutton.

Yuugi: Bloodsucker.

Hanzo: Unicorn.

Yuugi: Emo.

???: Do you two have to have this argument each time you come here?

That voice belonged to the owner of this stand, Mystia Lorelei. She is a night sparrow youkai who Sakuya told me she had an encounter with during the events of the Imperishable Night incident.

Mystia: The lamps and sake are ready.

Yuugi: Yes!

As Yuugi was stuffing her face full of food, my mind drifted to what happened this morning in the village.


Flashback: This morning.

Location: Human Village.

I was watching the puppet show Alice was presenting today. The show was fascinating with how fluid the puppet movements were. I guess this is to be expected from someone who has the title "Seven-Colored Puppeteer".

Shortly after the show ended, I saw that everyone was gathered in the center of the village. Interested, I went to check out the reason for the gathering.

In the center stood a group of people wearing red robes with black sleeves. In the middle, there was one who had their hood on and wore a black cape. Getting closer to hear better, I was able to make out what they were saying.

Cultist: Join the Crimson Covenant, reach out to the blood god, and she shall cure you of all diseases! Our blood god Elis will bless you with power and health. Only she will give us all salvation!

Blood god Elis? This is the first time I hear about her. I was brought out of my musing when a villager spoke.

Villager: How can I join you?

Cultist: To join us, you need to donate a cup full of your blood, and in return, she will give you her blessing.

Villager: B-blood?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21 ⏰

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