CHAPTER 2 : She is weird

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"I broke my rules for you "

Wen junhui

I look at her walking away from our table as soon as she took the order. I shook my head looking at her behaving all weird since I walk inside this cafe.

Trying to focus on my work I turn my attention back to Manger of our company in france who was busy staring at the same girl Who just took our order.

"You seem pretty interested in her more than work " I stated while looking at the file which he brought with him.

"I-I'm sorry sir " he mumble before looking down to his coffee.

"From next time when you are with me better not repeat this " I said as I pass the file back to him.

"Yes sir " he nodded his head before taking the file.

"And about this file make sure to get Mr martin sign Tomorrow. I don't want to waste my another second here for this deal "

"But sir tomar- "

"Do I have to repeat myself Mr yang "

"N-no sir. I'm sorry I will make sure to get Mr martin sign tomorrow "

"If Mr martin have any doubt regarding this project told him to contact on my office number back in korea. And I hope you can mange our business here perfectly that we Don't have to came here for some stupid reason "

"Dont worry sir me and my team will perfectly mange your company here "

"You better do it , otherwise it wouldn't take me one second to replace you with someone more deserving for this post "

Saying that I stand up from my place as he do the same too."Their wouldn't be no need sir because I will do my work perfectly sir "

"Hmm..goodbye then "

"Have a good day sir "

I turn around and walk out of the cafe but stopped when I saw a young boy maybe in his teen age , going through the ladies purse. He took the some bills of thousand and grin happily.

Kids now days really going out of the line.

I was about to walk away because it has nothing to do with me  but before I could walk away  I saw the same ash brown hair waitress from the coffee shop , who grabbed his hand stopping him taking out the money.

"que fais-tu?" (What are you doing ?)
She asked the boy who get all shocked when he get cought .

" laisse-moi salope" (Leave me bitch ) that boy threaten her.

"Pas avant que vous ayez rendu ce sac à main à la dame à qui vous l'avez volé. Et n'essaye pas de le nier, je t'ai vu le faire de mes propres yeux."
(Not until you gave that purse back to the lady from whom you stole it. And dont try to deny it , I saw you doing it with my own eyes. )

I shook my head on that girl. What a stupid girl ? Did she really think she can stop him just by herself.

"va te faire foutre, salope" (Fuck off bitch ) he shouted before forcefully releasing his hand from her grip only ended up making her stumble on her feat.

Before she could fall down , I quickly grab her waist for the support as I save her from falling down. Her back hit my chest as I really found her so small in my grip.

What a weak !

She finally open her eyes and looked back at me. Her almond brown orbs met with mine as she stare at me with her small pulpy lips parted a little.

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