Good news & game

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"CONGRATULATIONS TO SOON TO BE THE PARENTS" Jimin, Taehyung, Hobi shouted the moment they stepped their foot inside Namjoon and Jin's home making Namjoon to break the sunglasses he was holding while Jungkook shook his head, following them with his usual blank face.

"Joon seriously" Jin tsked as he was sitting on the couch while his legs rested on the coffee table.

"Hyungggg~~ I am so happy for you~" Jin laughed hugging back Jimin who tightly hugged Jin, swinging side to side when Hobi grabbed Jimin's back collar and pulled him.

"It's my turn now, congratulations Jin Hyung" Hobi also hugged receiving a cute giggle with a thank from him.

"Yo brother in law thanks for the good news, finally I am going to a be an uncle soon" Taehyung yelled excitedly hugging Jin making Namjoon shake his head.

Jungkook also gave a side hug to Jin while the other trio hugged Namjoon together making hard to breath for him.

They all directly came here, leaving their all work after Namjoon gave them the good news that they are going to be parents soon, Jin is two week pregnant.

"Hyung?? Moms and dads didn't come ??" Jimin asked after sitting beside Jin who looked at him with a frown.

"How many mom and dad you have ??" He asked back instead and Jimin smirked.

"Total 4 /show his 4 fingers/ My biological Mom and dad and my in laws" Jimin laughed making Jin shake his head who can't deny that.

"Well I am hungry, my tummy is screaming for food" Taehyung whined a little while Hobi and Jimin raised their hands with a "me too"

"Yeah, it's almost dinner time, I'll go and cook then" Jimin quickly stopped Jin just as he was going to leave for the kitchen while shaking his head.

"No, Jinnie!! You need rest so you stay here" Namjoon said with concerned and everyone agreed while Taehyung smirked.

"Kook, you know how to cook, why don't you cook for us ??" Taehyung suggested making everyone looked at him with expectations filled eyes which he couldn't ignore and nod his head with a sigh.

"So what do you want to eat guys ??" He asked and everyone agreed on few dishes while suddenly Jimin giggled making everyone looked at him with a raised eyebrow and Jimin immediately quiet down.

"Why were you laughing??" Hobi's asked, giving him a most judgy look.

"Um..I was just thinking something nothing special" Jimin shook his head, dismissing it with his hand.

"If you are saying it's nothing that means it's really something, c'mon tell us" Taehyung urged him to spill out and Jimin sigh before starting.

"It's nothing special really, I was just thinking aside being grumpy for 24/7 Mr. Husband know cooking too" Jimin let out, avoiding to look at Jungkook as he was trying to control his laugh while Jungkook looked like as if someone insulted him on his face.

"At least I know cooking where I can bet you don't even know how to make a bowl of noodles" He said with sweet fake voice and Jimin gasped but deep inside Jungkook was right, he never cook in his home or anywhere, well he is Prince of Park, so no one ever tell him to cook nor he even feel like he needs cooking.

"At least I know how to laugh while all you do is make that stone cold face all the time" Jimin fired back making Jungkook to let out a breathy unbelievable sigh as his face turned more serious.

While the others were enjoying the drama all they were missing was popcorn, chips and coke.

"I don't like to laugh at unreasonable things like you" Jungkook said and Jimin again gasped, glaring at Jungkook.

MY ARROGANT HUSBAND (Jikook) Where stories live. Discover now