Rosé POV
5 MONTHS LATER"I hate you!!!!!!!...
"Rosie I hate you!!!!
"Babe calm down please". I said to lisa but she ignore me and go straight to our room.
I sigh and get inside our room a saw lisa cover her body with a blanket.
She's crying again.
"Honey". I said softly and sit beside her.
"GO AWAY!!! I DONT WANT YOU NEAR ME!!!". She shouted at me and push me away.
"SHUT UP!!!!". she said and take her phone and call someone.
"What are you doing lisa?". I ask her but she just glared at me.
"H-hello grandma". She said
Oh fuck I'm dead...
"I'm not okay". She said to my grandma and cry harder.
"I said shut up I don't want to hear anything from you". She said and go back to her phone and talk to Grandma Sara.
"S-she don't love m-me anymore....
"She don't love me grandma!!!! Rosie is so mean!" She said to my grandma and cry more harder this time.
I just look at her and didn't say anything I don't even know what my grandma said to lisa because I didn't hear anything.
"S-she's here grandma". She said and look at me.
I sigh.
"Grandma want to talk to you". She said and give me her phone.
"H-hello grandma". I said and gulp.
"What happened there? Why lisa said you don't love her anymore huh?".
"No it's not true".
"Then why she's crying right now...don't you love her anymore?
"I still love her Grandma".
"Tell me what actually happened!".
"This is what happened...we both just watching movie earlier and then she want some gummy bears so I bought it for her she ate so many gummy bears....and after 5 minutes she ask me again for gummy bears so I give it to her....and after she finish one bowl of gummy bears she ask me to give her gummy bears AGAIN...
"And then????
"And then I said that's enough gummy bears for today... because she ate too many sweet And it's not good for her and the baby. After I said that she start to get mad and cry and said that I don't love her...
"IT'S STILL THE SAME". lisa Shouted at me while sobbing.Babe I just don't want you to get sick because you ate so many gummy bears you know it's not good for pregnant women."
"NO! YOU DON'T GIVE ME GUMMY BEARS SO THAT MEANS YOU DONT LOVE ME ANYMORE". She said and cover her face with the blanket.
"Aigooo this two!!!! Rosé, she's pregnant so it's normal too eat so many sweet food or what kind of food she want just give it to her .... besides the baby is healthy so no need to worry now go and give what she want."
"Ok grandma....ok I'm sorry again". I said and hang up.
"Lili". I call her softly and lay beside her and take away the blanket from her so I can see her pretty face.
"Hey look at me please". I said and cupped her cheeks.
She still crying.
"D-don't you love me anymore nini?". She ask me with her swollen eyes.

Hate To Love
RomanceWhat will happen to the two girl that don't like each other but one day they are forced to get married and have children • • • A hard-hearted millionaire girl are forced by her family to marry a beautiful girl who comes from a poor family. ...... wh...