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We still waiting for the doctor to come out from the ER. I can't stop worrying from the moment we came here. God help me.

I was busy with my thought until I hear the ER door open I stand up and saw the doctor with fail on his hand.

"Miss Lisa Manoban?". The doctor called.

"Yes, it's me how's my grandma? Is she okay?." I ask nervously.

"Her condition is stable right now don't worry but-".

"B-but what doctor?". I ask

"I'm sorry to tell you this Ms lisa but your grandma suffer from the heart disease that we called Cardiomyopathies." The doctor said with a sad tone.

"W-what? What did you say h-heart disease?". I ask stuttering.

"Yes Ms Lisa, This is the term for diseases of the heart muscle. They’re sometimes simply called enlarged heart. People with these conditions have hearts that are unusually big, thick, or stiff. Their hearts can’t pump blood as well as they should. Without treatment, Cardiomyopathies get worse. They can lead to heart failure and abnormal heart rhythms.

Cardiomyopathy may sometimes run in families, but it can also be caused by high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, metabolic diseases, or infections.

"God why? W-why is this happening to us?" I began to cry

"Shh lisa it's okay she's going to be fine she will have a treatments so don't worry she's a strong person." Grandma Sara said and cry.

"D-doctor will she b-be okay".

"Yes, all you have to do is go to the hospital and make a treatment every week and take her medicine at the right time but Ms lisa the cost is really high." The doctor said.

"I-i don't care about the bill please just save her I don't want anything bad happened to her."

"Ok Ms lisa, you can go to the counter and discuss this with the nurse over there she will gave you the bill and the schedule for your Grandma."

"Okay doctor thank you so much thank you." And bow down to him rapidly.

"Ms lisa I'm glad to help stay strong I have to go now, excuse me." The doctor said and left.

"Grandma Sara I know you tired you can go home if you want to thank you so much for helping." I said to grandma sara and hug her.

"Lisa, it's okay I'm staying here with you I'll go home with you okay?".

"Are you sure?".

"Yes sweetie."

After that I go to the counter and discuss with the nurse and go home with grandma sara because we're not allowed to see my grandma today coz she need enough rest so I'll be back tomorrow morning to see her.

Time skip.

"Lisa, Dinner is ready let's eat." Grandma Sara said.

I wake up from my sleep and go to the kitchen and saw grandma Sara prepare the food.

"Grandma Sara I'm sorry that I can't help you to cook dinner I fell asleep earlier sorry for being a burden to you." I Said and look down on my feet.

"Sweetie come here."

I go to grandma sara and hug her.

"Lisa, listen you are not a burden so stop saying that okay?". She said.

"Ok grandma Sara."

"Let's eat now."

When I was eating my food grandma sara suddenly called me maybe because I'm being quiet.

"Lisa? Are you okay?".

"Y-yeah I just miss my grandma I'm so worried for her." I said and my eyes began to water.

Grandma Sara stand up from her chair and sit beside me.

"Don't worry she's going to be okay let just pray for her okay."

I nodded.

"Hurry up I have something to tell you."

"Ok grandma Sara."

I dicided to do the dishes after we finish our dinner. After doing the dishes I go to the living room and saw grandma Sara sitting on the couch waiting for me.

"Grandma what do you want to tell me?". I said and sit beside her.

"Sweetie I know the hospital bill is very high so emm I decided to help you".

"What do you mean?".

"I'll already paid the hospital bill and all her needs and we already found the professional doctor to take care of her I'm sure she's going to be fine so you don't have to worry anymore." Grandma Sara said with a smile on her face.

"W-what? I ask stuttering .

God is this really happened?

"Omg Grandma Sara you don't have to please, don't worry about us you don't have to do this." I plead.

"No, lisa I already do it all you have to do is support your Grandma and Don't ever think that This will be a burden to me because it's not I want to help you guys because I love you both so please let me help you". Grandma Sara said

I stand up and facing her, she look at me confused.

"Lisa why?"."Lisa why?".

I look at her face with my tears falling down to my cheeks she stood up and hold my shoulder.

"Are you okay sweetie?". She ask concerned.

But the next thing I do make her shock, I got into my knees and bow down to her.

"L-lisa what are you doing?

"T-thank you grandma sara thank you so much thank you for helping me." I said and sobbing.

I can feel grandma Sara's hand on my head she ask me to look at her.

"You don't have to do that sweetie now Stand up."

I stand up and hug her tightly.

"Thank you I promise I'll pay you back  grandma just give me time."

"Hey, hey please don't do that I don't want you to pay me back I'll not accept it if you do that."

"No I'll pay you back you already help me so I'll pay you back."

"LISA! If you do that you gonna regret it."

I gulp

"B-but I want t-

"Enough... ok sweetie stop talking about this everything is going to be fine and don't you dare pay me back understand!?.

"O-ok grandma sara thank so much again I'm so appreciate it". I said and smile.

She nodded.


To be continued

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