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"You do a lot for your family, don't you?" Evie asked, looking at the seven-foot-tall orc walking beside her.

She knew Roth had also lost his father, and if she wasn't mistaken, he lived with his mother and a bunch of his sisters, who were all younger than him. Evie believed he had a very responsible role at home.

Roth shrugged. "I do what needs to be done."

"And I admire that, but I can also imagine it's a great responsibility."

He looked at her. "It can feel that way sometimes, yes. You also take care of your mother when needed, though."

"I do, but it's not the same."

It was different. Roth's family owned a small farm, his mother wasn't home often, and he had multiple sisters to support. Evie's family all lived apart.

Her mother was still young, having had Evie at eighteen. And after Evie's father had died, her mother found a job that she ended up loving, which made it possible for her to live on her own, and not in need of any help from her two children.

Evie had only one older brother, who was a successful salesman and lived with his family.

"The sister who is in school," Evie said, "which one is it?"

"The youngest."

"Oh... Isn't she the one who is disabled?"

"She is."

"Oh, wow, then it's even more impressive that she managed to get into school."

Was that thanks to Roth as well? Was it often that he had to pick her up or take her to school?

Roth smiled, looking at Evie. "I'm proud of her, yes."

She'd never noticed that his eyes were brown. She always thought they were black, but they were dark brown. She could see it now, in the sunlight. His lashes were solid black, though, and very long. She was envious of them, as her own lashes were blond and almost invisible.

Roth touched his face. "Is something the matter?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" Evie was confused.

"You're staring at me."

She chuckled. "I was just admiring your eyes."

"My eyes?"

"Yes. I was thinking about how I want those lashes."

He grinned so big, she could see his second pair of tusks. They were smaller, next to his large ones, and normally not visible. When he smiled, they appeared, just like the rest of his pointy teeth.

"If I could give them to you, I would," he said softly.

"Oh, but I wouldn't want you to—Oh!" Not paying attention, Evie bumped her foot into a rock and tripped. She cried out as she lost her balance and started falling. But her face didn't touch the ground. Instead, it was pressed flat against a firm but warm surface.

It was Roth's chest.

Oh, sweet gods.

He'd caught her just in time and was still holding onto her, his large arms around her body. His chest hair pricked her nose as she inhaled the scent of his fresh sweat. Too soon, he let go, and the warm embrace of his arms was no longer around her.

Evie was dizzy. "Oh, I—I'm sorry..."

Roth took a step back. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I t-tripped."

"I'm sorry to—uh—grab you like that, but I had to—"

"Yes, of course. T-thank you for saving me." She brushed the creases out of her skirt as they continued their walk.

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