Hats Off To An Elf

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"Not that bad, eh?" Yiriel commented, spinning around on her heels to face me, now walking backward along the trail.

I took in the sights around me. It was so much quieter than in Sonhest. The gentle songs of birds, branches full of leaves brushing against one another in the breeze...I closed my eyes, stuck in the moment.

"Hey? You there, Piere?" She asked, now back in front of me waving her hands in my face. I grabbed her wrist, startling her. Just as rapidly as I had taken hold, I let go.

'Ah. Don't act out of character.'

"Sorry! Yes...It's so lovely out here." I offered, craning my neck to get a look at everything, arms swinging at my sides. "I've never been out of the city before."

She nodded with understanding. "Yeah, it gets dangerous around here at night, not to say it's completely safe right now. Don't worry though, I have a second sense for nature." She winked in my direction, and I smiled gratefully.

'What sort of dangers?'

I wasn't planning to be here until dusk. That adventure would be for another day. Right now, I suspected Yiriel could use magic, and therefore provide me with answers about my situation. Asking outright was risking things though. Just as I was wearing a mask, not including my bandaged eye, so too could she be hiding things. Expecting kindness from a stranger could be a death sentence, especially when I knew so little. My jaw clenched. I needed to have the upper hand when I confronted her. Depending on her response, I could decide if it would be safe to leave her alive.

To prepare for this adventure, I used the rest of the copper in the coin purse to purchase a few important herbs from her. The base for most mixtures was mandrake root, so I grabbed some of that. The only other thing I could afford was a Lavan lichen tincture, used to numb sore throats and wounds. Both sat carefully wrapped in my bag.

It was becoming increasingly obvious that while some of the plant life of this world was different, most of it wasn't. Just like back in the shop, I could list their names and uses as I eyed the forested area around me.

I stepped over a half-rotted fruit on the ground with shiny, silvery seeds.

'Thornapple Seeds, ground into a fine powder and added to concoctions for their hallucinogenic and aphrodisiac properties.'

Around me bustled dark, glossy leaves of thick bushes blooming with tiny white flowers.

'Belladonna Leaves. When finely ground, enhance the potency of poisons.'

"So, what sort of environment are you looking for? If it's a specific herb you know the name of I can find that too." Yiriel questioned, coming to a halt on the trail. To get out of the city we had gone out through a series of hallways and sidedoors that Yiriel commonly used. According to her, while the guard there didn't let suspicious people out you could pay him to get in and out of the city without being checked. It was mostly utilized by herbalists, like Yiriel, and mercenaries on more discreet missions.

"Um...I was told somewhere well-shaded, but dry." I explained.

Yiriel paused, deep in thought, and then gave me a single sharp nod. "Yes! I know where we can head! Do you happen to be looking for Ilicher?"

I hid a smile.

"How did you know?" I gasped, gazing at her in wonder. She laughed, gesturing for me to follow her.

"It's one of the few base potion ingredients you need fresh. Because of that people always have jobs to get it for sick nobles."

"Yes, that's right! You do know your stuff." I complimented her, rushing to catch up until we stood shoulder to shoulder. "Did you learn this all on your own?"

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