2.The Rockstar's Secret

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Chapter 2: The Rockstar's Secret

Li Wei couldn't stop thinking about Zhang Yue. He had never felt such a strong connection with anyone before. As he walked into his luxurious mansion, he was greeted by his manager, John.

"Hey, Li Wei, how was the concert last night?" John asked, sipping his coffee.

"It was great, as always," Li Wei replied, his mind still on Zhang Yue. "But I met someone last night, John. Someone special."

John raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Who's the lucky girl?"

"Her name is Zhang Yue. She's a college student, and...and she's different, John. She sees me, not just the rockstar."

John's expression turned serious. "Li Wei, you know the rules. No serious relationships, no distractions from the music and the fame."

Li Wei sighed, knowing John was right. His management team had always been clear about keeping his personal life private and separate from his career. But he couldn't help how he felt.

"I know, John. But I can't help it. I need to see her again."

John shook his head. "Be careful, Li Wei. You don't want to risk your career for a fleeting romance."

But Li Wei was determined. He had to find a way to balance his love for Zhang Yue with his life as a rockstar.

Little did he know, their love was about to be put to the test.

Li Wei couldn't concentrate on his music or anything else. His mind was consumed by thoughts of Zhang Yue. He needed to see her again, to hold her and kiss her. He couldn't wait any longer.

He picked up his phone and dialed her number, his heart racing with anticipation. She answered on the first ring, and they talked for hours, their conversation flowing effortlessly.

As the days went by, Li Wei and Zhang Yue's relationship blossomed. They met in secret, stolen moments whenever Li Wei's schedule allowed. They laughed, loved, and explored the city together, their connection growing stronger with each passing day.

But the pressures of Li Wei's fame and the scrutiny of the media began to take its toll. Paparazzi followed them, snapping photos and asking intrusive questions. Zhang Yue was overwhelmed, and Li Wei felt helpless to protect her.

One night, as they walked hand in hand through the city streets, they were ambushed by a group of aggressive paparazzi. Li Wei shielded Zhang Yue from the cameras, his anger boiling over.

"Leave us alone!" he shouted, his voice echoing off the buildings.

But the paparazzi wouldn't back down, their cameras flashing like a frenzy of fireflies. Li Wei knew he had to get Zhang Yue out of there, fast.

He pulled her close, his heart racing with fear. "Come on, let's get out of here," he whispered, his lips brushing against her ear.

As they sped away in his car, Zhang Yue's eyes were wide with worry. "Li Wei, what's going to happen? Can't we just be normal?"

Li Wei's grip on the steering wheel tightened. He knew the answer. They could never be normal, not as long as he was a rockstar.

But he couldn't bear the thought of losing her. He had to find a way to make it work, to protect her from the chaos of his fame.

As they drove away from the paparazzi, Zhang Yue's eyes sparkled with tears. "Li Wei, I can't take this. I'm just a college student, not a celebrity. I don't want to be in the spotlight."

Li Wei's heart ached. He knew he was putting her in a difficult position. "I know, baby. I'm sorry. I'll do whatever it takes to protect you."

But as they arrived at his mansion, they were greeted by a sea of cameras and reporters. Li Wei's management team had called a press conference, and Zhang Yue was thrust into the spotlight.

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