Chapter 3 - In which Arthur takes a shower

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The first thing you noticed when you got home from your day at school was probably the shower running.

"Oh gawd," you mutter. "I don't remember leaving it on..." Filled with anticipation at what you were even going to see, you clamber up the stairs to your bathroom. The door wasn't even closed-- and there was Arthur, holding the coloring book, a feather from God-knows-where, and your favourite brand of liquid eyeliner, looking quite inspired.

"Greetings Fairy Master!!!" Arthur leaps up and gives you a sheepish grin. The little bottle of eyeliner spills over and mixes with the water sloshing down the drain.

"That was my best Mac eyeliner!!" you wail.

"Why, how do you do it?!" he says, ignoring you. "Miss (Name), I am much in awe at your ability to channel the seasons-- oh but don't think I underestimated you or anything!"

"What in tarnation are you talking about?!?"

"Ah, but you channel the elements in your very home~!" he continues, half to himself now. "I mean, you summon warm spring rain like so, and hot summer winds with that--" he points to the hairdryer still out of place from this morning, at least you think-- "And you've even captured winter in the little magical little box downstairs you use to store your tuna!" He beams. "You're a bloody amazing sorceress, (Name), tell me how you do it!"

"I... I..." Actually, it takes you just a few seconds to process exactly. what just went on in his mind and then you are literally wailing on the floor laughing.

"I... I.. I CANT-- Haaaah..."

"Oh-- I beg your pardon!" he adds meekly. "I'm sorry if I abused of your resources in any way, but I just felt so inspired by the spring rain, you know. I'll turn it off right now." He reaches for the shower knob and pushes it off. "Hey? would you fancy seeing my drawing?"

"Y-You really are from the past aren't you?" you manage to wheeze out from all the laughing while looking at the freaking masterpiece he was able to create from four crayons and some eyeliner. (And loads of water.) He looks you curiously, hair still a mop from writing under the shower.

"I'm not from the past," he says indignantly. "It's you who's from the future!"

"Hey, can we say same difference?" At this point you aren't even upset that the bathroom is a mess, that you no longer own liquid eyeliner, or even that your pet bird is more likely than not missing at least one feather. You hadn't laughed that hard in ages, and I mean ages.

"Look mister, if it's any news to you, I need to replace that little bottle you oh-so-conveniently spilled there tomorrow, alright?" you smirk, knowing very well where you were going to take him tomorrow.

"Oh dearest me, the ink!" Arthur exclaims. "When I get back home, I'll send you money for it, I promise!"

"Hey, it's no big deal," you shrug, offering him a towel as he shakes off the excess water from his red militia uniform.

"Just don't make a habit of chilling under other people's 'spring rains' for extended periods of time, okay?" You laugh.

He nods in agreement. "Duly noted."


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