Chapter 6- The Magic Mirror

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A/n: the adorkable Totoro picture has literally nothing to do with anything but I just thought it fit the mood ^^

"All right, what do we do here... Google... 'how to build time machine'..."

Arthur's wide eyes fix you in adoration as you whittle down a couple keys into your laptop. Ever since he'd first seen you use it (to watch a few videos of Danisnotonfire, of course), he simply couldn't stop calling it '(Name)s magic mirror'.

"Is that your magic mirror, (Name)?" Arthur says a little too casually, walking by your laptop with a freshly-brewed cup of (favourite flavour) tea.

"Sure... I mean..."

"Please, oh please, (Name)! Can we summon my compatriots again today??"

You sigh. Ah, well, then again, you were only procrastinating on trying to build a time machine-- productivity-wise, might as well have spent the whole day on YouTube. You open up a new tab with the familiar rounded red logo.

"Okay, so do you want Dan or Phil?"

Arthur grins giddily. "I reckon that Phillip Lester person ought to do the trick for today!"

"And now is time for... Alpacalypse!!"

"Oh bless your heart (Name)!" Arthur exclaims. "Just hearing voices in my native dialect makes me feel so much more at ease... thank you for using your powers for such a humble purpose! G'day, Sir Lester, sir, can you hear me...!?"

You allow a slight smile. Gosh, he was really such a child.

"He can't hear you, Art. The mirror is only one-way," you remind him gently.

"Oh, my apologies-- I seem to keep forgetting that, indeed?"

"Indeed," you unanimously agree. This all well and good, but how in the world were you two supposed to go through with building a time machine? The idea would have seemed so absurd to you just a few days ago but then again Arthur's very presence in this room was by far most absurd and indecent. Oh dear, and with all his incessant chattering, you were starting to talk like him too!

"Arthur, I'm starting to talk to myself in a British accent, I think we need a break."

"But (Name), we just started!" Meanwhile AmazingPhil laughs adorably on screen.

"I'll be right back, I'm just going outside for some fresh air. You keep watching Phil, okay?"

"Okay..." Arthur agrees, just a little annoyed.


Outside was literally a breath of fresh air. Maybe it was because you were still new, but you could never seem to get hung up at how pretty the neighborhood of Kumquat street was. By then the dusk was just starting to settle in like the sooty remains of a bag of tea-- oh blimey, here we go again! You could not, for the life of you, get neither Arthur nor the sound of his voice outside of your mind.

"Hey beautiful!"

Well, that was definitely not his voice.

The boy comes swearing out from the branches of the magnolia bush towering just above the chimney structure of the house next door. He sits cross-legged and relaxed up there, as if it were his own front porch and not at all on six metres above the ground on your property."

"Well, ya got a name?"

"(Name)..." you reply slowly and cautiously.

"(Name!)" he echoes. "I love it! I'm Charlie or Chuck by the way." Charlie hops down from where he was on the side of the roof like it's no big deal, but he hits the ground like a sack of potatoes.

"Ouch! No, no, I'm fine--"

"Are you completely insane??" He grins and takes a bite of a Granny Smith from his pocket.

"Not completely. But I've got an inkling maybe your new friend there is." He gestures to the kitchen window, where Arthur still rather melodramatically working on using your computer. You don't even hear Phil anymore. Oh dear, how you wished you'd at least cleared the history--

"G--GOOGLE!!! I summon you, great power of the autocompleting colorful omnibar!! Dumbledora, the explora..." From the window, Arthur begins to chant, gesticulating widely.

"I-- I think he's trying to summon Google!"

"He is most definitely trying to summon Google," Charlie replies, frowning. "Honestly, shouldn't you be a little... concerned for him?"

"Oh, you wouldn't understand. He's just like that!" you retort cheerily. You hadn't had the chance until now, but you realized it almost made you happy to mention anything about Arthur to somebody else. Almost like you took pride in having an apparently crazy friend!

"Well..." Charlie says slowly, his dark eyes facing the ground. "I'll be next door if you need anything, yeah?"

You nod agreement and wave goodbye. "It was great meeting you!"

"You too-- (Name), wait!" You hold the door to the patio ajar.

"Please be careful..."

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