Chapter 4 - Goodbye and Hello

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            Scorching sunlight burned through Jackie’s eyelids as she changed position. Her face was snuggled in the center of her pillow, the silkiness of its case brushing up against her cheek. She pried one eye open slowly, letting it trail across the room in search of the time.

The moment she came across the digital green numbers, she bolted upright in bed. How could I have forgotten to set the alarm? She hurled the covers off of her and swung her feet over the side of the bed, heading to the dresser in a frenzy.

“Mom! Dad! How come you didn’t wake me up?!”

Jackie’s expression fell from panicked to sheer confusion as she yanked open her drawer. It had been completely cleared out – with the exception of a royal blue blouse. She pulled the clothing from its place and ran her fingers over its smooth texture.

“Do you like it, baby?” Jackie turned sharply to see her mother standing in the doorframe. She was wearing one of her dressier outfits – dark slacks and a ruffled white top. Her orangey hair was secured into a tightly compacted knot at the top of her head.

Jackie glanced down at the gold trimmed blouse. “Sure I like it – it’s beautiful – but where are all of my other clothes? And why didn’t anyone tell me it was already 7? I need to be at the castle by 8 and I haven’t even packed–”

“Calm down Jackie. Your father and I took the liberty of packing your things for you so that you could relax this morning. You still have that horrible bump on your forehead.”

“Oh.” She brought her fingers to her forehead and made a face as they trailed over a patch of raised skin. “So what’s this for then?” She help up the blouse and let it dangle from her hand.

“Well, I decided since you’re going to be staying in the castle, you should have a few new articles of clothing to your wardrobe. I’ve gone through my old clothes and given some of the nicest ones to you. All of them are packed along with your old belongings.”

“And my art supplies?”

“Well, I was going to give you a brand new art kit for your birthday, but I suppose now would suffice. I’ve set it with your other duffle bags by the door.

Jackie nodded slightly, going through a mental checklist of the things she would want to bring. “Wait a second – what about my, umm, lines of defense?” She tried not to say the word ‘weapons’ since she knew her mother hated hearing that her daughter carried weapons around. She always thought it to be improper and unladylike.

“Since your father is the head of security, and we know we can trust you, you’re allowed a couple of your instruments of protection with you. But they’re only to be used for emergency purposes and you cannot let anyone else know you are even in possession of them. Do you understand?”

Jackie shook her head vigorously, a smile twisting at her lips. “Yes mom. I understand.”

“Good,” she said in finality, taking a few steps back. “I’ll see you at breakfast in ten minutes.” After Ilene’s eyes had scanned over her daughter once more, she pressed her ruby red lips together and headed down the stairs.

Jackie returned to her dresser and pulled open the remaining drawers, uncovering the rest of her outfit components. Before heading in to change, she trudged over to her bed and took a seat. Her gaze wandered as she sunk into the deep pool of her thoughts, settling on the world beyond her window. The leaves of the tall tree that canopied her view swayed effortlessly in a subtle breeze. Streaks of white striped the crystal blue sky lingering above the bright earth. She looked away just slightly as the sun winked between the slivers of wavering tree branches.

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