Fighting The Good Fight

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(y/n) and Pyrrha were asleep in their room. The sun barely went over the horizon when they heard a loud knock on the door. The two sat up immediately and got out of bed. They rushed to get their clothes on then grabbed their weapons.

(y/n): Ready?

Pyrrha strapped on her hidden blade and grabbed the broken spear. She looked at it with a small frown but then put it on her back and smiled at (y/n).

Pyrrha: Yeah.

(y/n) put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile.

(y/n): I'll ask Nico if she can repair your spear.

Pyrrha: You don't need to do that. Besides, I want to rebuild it myself. I built it by my hands, and I'll repair it by my hand.

(y/n) nodded and grabbed his weapons. The two left the house and walked through the camp. There they saw many of Blake's resistance training with the weapons the pirates sold them. They walked into the command center where they saw Blake discussing plans with Sun, Neptune, and Weiss.

Blake: Finally, you're awake. Ready to start fighting the good fight?

(y/n): Thanks for the wake up call. So, what do we need to do?

Blake made a small, confident smile. She leaned forward and looked at the three hunters.

Blake: How would you feel making your presence known?

(y/n): Explain...

Blake: With you three here, we might be able to make a change here. There's a camp not far from here. I need you three to claim it. I don't need to worry about you killing anyone, right?

The three all collectively looked away. (y/n) balled up his hand and placed it to his mouth. Pyrrha began to get red from embarrassment and it showed in her ears and covered them out of embarrassment. Weiss covered her eyes and looked down to avoid her peers' gaze.

Blake: Since when? I mean, I expected it from (y/n), but you two?

Pyrrha: I started not long after acting like an assassin...and working with (y/n)...

Weiss: I worked with (y/n).

(y/n): Look, the people we've killed were either Skin-walkers or bad people.

Blake tilted her head out of confusion.

Blake: Skin-walkers?

(y/n): You don't have them here?

Blake: No.

(y/n): They're Grimm able to shape shift.

Blake: Sounds...terrifying...

(y/n): Easy to spot though. Usually they can't act completely human and are more overly aggressive. That and they're afraid of fire so just light a match and watch them run.

Blake: Thanks for the information. Now, get going. I have another mission for Sun and Neptune...

The three Grimm hunters readied their gear and left the tent.

A couple hours later

(y/n) looked down binoculars at the White Fang camp down the hill. The camp had a few soldiers simply doing their duties and keeping watch for enemies.

Weiss: What's the plan?

(y/n): They have a basic alarm system. We could send Pyrrha to take out the alarm then signal us to attack.

Weiss: Ready, Pyrrha?

Pyrrha nodded and put on her hood before climbing up a tree. She ran through the treetops towards the camp. She leapt from the trees and landed inside the camp's wall. She quickly hid behind a few boxes and looked for the alarm system.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29 ⏰

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