Chapter Thirteen | Wild Horses

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"Bravo, absolutely wonderful presentation," Mr. Moss praised us as the applause winded down.

I looked over at Trent in elation as we stood at the front of the classroom, the last slide of our PowerPoint still showing on the projector behind us. He looked calm and not nearly as happy as I was, but I saw a smile sneaking through as I grinned at him.

After choking on my own words multiple times and Trent and I interrupting each-other over and over, we had gotten through our presentation. I spent weeks stressing and working on this project, so I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders now that it was finally over.

As Mr. Moss finished filling out our grade sheet, the class erupted into conversation. When he was done, he looked up at the students in frustration. "Hey now, I know it's the last day before winter break and you guys have your little dance tonight, but settle down. We're only halfway through presentations!"

Handing me and Trent each our own grade sheet, He called up the next duo to present.

I shuffled through the isle back to my desk, collapsing in my seat in relief.

Trent pinched my upper arm to get my attention, causing me to whip my head around and glare at him. As usual, he was seated right next to me.

"What do you want now?" I whispered. The entire class was silent and focused on the video presentation up front.

"Just trying to tell my amazing partner good job," he winked. "And also, Lauren wanted me to tell you that you and your other little friends are all going to your house after school to get ready for the dance."

My eyes widened. "Oh, okay." Then, a thought occurred to me. "Wait, are Tyler and Sean gonna pick them up from my place?"

He looked annoyed. "How would I know?"

"Ms. Ross and Mr. Blake, is there something you two would like to share?"

"No," I shook my head quickly at Mr. Moss, who was glaring at us.

"Then I suggest you stop interrupting other presentations, or you will have points deducted from your own," He said stoically, gesturing to continue the video. I fought the urge to mimic his sour expression, sighing and staring passively at the screen instead.

When all the presentations finished and class was finally over, Lauren met me at my locker.
She slammed shut her locker--which was right next to mine--and looked at me excitedly.

"Hurry up! I can't wait to leave and not step foot in this hellhole again for two whole weeks!"

I looked at her with amusement as I emptied my textbooks out of my bag and into my locker. By some miracle, I had no homework over break.

After closing my locker and following Lauren as she practically dragged me to her car, we met up with Carly, who was parked right next to us.

As I rounded the car to get in the passenger side, Carly smacked my ass. "Meet ya at your place!" She shouted, jumping in her car before I had time to react.

I laughed to myself as we tore out of the parking lot, Lauren was not doubt trying to pick up her stuff for the dance and get to my house before Carly did.

"Stay here, I'll be right back!" Lauren commanded as she parked the car in her driveway and dashed into the house.

I slumped down in the seat, stretching out my long legs as I waited for her. My phone vibrated in the pocket of my jeans. Fumbling for it and finally pulling it out, I saw I got a new next from Austin that read:

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