Epilogue | Summer Romance

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"I'm going to die."

Carly attempted to fan herself with her hand held flat, blowing out a big breath of air from her cheeks. "I'm going to die, surrounded by hundreds of teenagers all creepily wearing the same outfit, unless I get some air."

"Just breathe," I told her with a laugh, stumbling a little when some guy on the other side of me bumped me with his shoulder.

"How am I supposed to do that, when we're all packed into this little gym like sardines?" She threw her hands up to wildly gesture at the countless amount of people surrounding us.

"I think they're about to start calling the names. It's okay, Carly."

I always thought that I would be the nervous one when it came to our high school graduation, given that I had a tendency to overthink things and cause myself a lot of stress. But, surprisingly, I was as calm as could be while Carly stayed nervously humming and shifting back and forth.

Trying to distract her from our current situation, I leaned in closer to her. "So, do you and Sean have any plans tonight?"

Her eyes brightened. "Yeah, not only is it graduation, but our one year anniversary is next week, so we're going out to celebrate it tonight."

"Wow," I said with an impressed nod of my head. "That's awesome."

"What about you?" She asked while fiddling with the cords on gown. "Any plans?"

I started to answer her, but was cut off by the echoing static of a microphone and the hushing of the crowd.

The names already having begun being called, it quickly became a blur of students dressed in Royal blue caps and gowns, crossing the makeshift stage to receive their diplomas.

I watched with silent amusement as Lauren's name was called, and she stayed frozen still for a second before rushing forward. She gave a nervous smile and practically yanked her diploma from the principals hands. I laughed at that and started clapping loudly along with the rest of the crowd. The cheers and whistles only grew louder as Trent walked right behind her.

I cheered just as loud when the times came for Lily and Will to cross. Sean jogged across the stage soon enough, and Carly screamed loud enough to haunt him for the next week.

Bearing the last names Reynolds and Ross, respectively, Carly and I were still a while away from walking across the stage. The two of us were approaching the front of the line increasingly fast, though, and Carly latched onto my arm with a squeak.

"They're almost to our names!" She whisper-yelled, making me grin.

There were only three students left separating us from our diplomas, and that's when a wave of nerves decided to hit me. I twisted the carefully curled ends of my hair and eyed the stage in fear. This whole time, we had been slowly shuffling closer to it with every name called.

Now, we were at the top of the small set of stairs, and Carly's name was announced loudly through the microphone. She glanced back at me with panic, and I quickly urged her to go.

She scurried across the stage, her wedged sandals almost tripping her, and then it was suddenly my turn.

I went as soon as my name passed through the principals lips, and he seemed to appreciate my hustle. He mumbled a congratulations, shaking my hand while handing me my ribbon wrapped diploma, and cheers erupted from the crowd.

I reached the other side of the stage and followed the line of people to where we were supposed to wait, and Carly's grip on my arm was the only thing keeping me from passing out.

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