Chapter Twenty-Five | Blinded By Love

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"Well, this is a surprise."

I scratched my head, blinking away my sleepiness as I struggled to see what was going on.

"What?" I mumbled groggily, rubbing my aching temples and looking up at Lauren as she sat next to me.

"We're awake before Carly, look at her, I think she might even be snoring!" Lauren whisper-yelled, pointing to the other bed.

"I'm not sure what I am would classify as awake," I muttered, staring at where Carly was wrapped up in layers of blankets, her dark hair splayed out behind her as she slept.

"She must be really hungover. I mean, I am too, but I don't feel too bad," Lauren pondered, ignoring my grumbling.

"Where's Lily?" I asked, noticing that the space next to Carly was vacant.

"Maybe she's already up," Lauren said, grabbing her phone and checking the lock screen. "It's almost nine."

Carly stirred as our voices grew louder. Throwing the white blankets from her body, she sat up. "You guys know you're supposed to be quiet when someone's sleeping, right?"

"Look who's talking," I said with a pointed look.

Lauren snorted. "Yeah, I can't even count the number of times you've woken me up at the ass-crack of dawn, so consider this payback."

Carly sighed. "Ugh, whatever. My head's killing me."

"Mine too," I responded, though it wasn't as bad as I'd expected it to be. I was drunk enough to not remember certain parts of last night, but my hangover was nowhere near as bad as my first one. Maybe I was growing a tolerance to alcohol...which probably isn't a good thing.

"You better take some medicine, then, because we're going shopping."

Carly frowned at Lauren's random declaration while, at the same time, I perked up. "No skiing today?" I asked hopefully.

"Nah," Lauren shrugged. "Since we're leaving tomorrow, I thought all of us could go out to dinner tonight to...celebrate, and what-not."

"And we're going shopping why?" Carly asked, raking her hands through her dark hair as it threatened to cover her face.

I almost laughed at her distaste. We were honestly the poorest excuse for a group of girls ever; not a single one of us really enjoyed shopping. We went to the mall occasionally, but really only so we could eat food and walk around together.

"Hmm, I don't know, do you wanna go to dinner in snow pants?" Lauren asked sarcastically, a teasing grin appearing on her lips.

"Don't be rude!" Carly laughed, grabbing the pillow she'd been sleeping on and chucking it at Lauren. She caught it, throwing it back with a laugh.

I stretched my arms above my head, eyeing Lauren. "Hey, by 'all of us', do you mean the guys will be going, too?" I asked.

"Duh, I mean our whole group, even those guys and girls we don't really know," She answered.

"Huh, alright then," I muttered.

Lauren stared at me with a smirk. "I know it's hard, but you're gonna have to resist lunging across the table to jump Trent's bones while we're all out together."

"Lauren, oh my God!" I gasped, slapping my hands over my cheeks in embarrassment. I glared as she burst into a fit of laughter, tempted to shove her off the bed.

Carly swung her legs over the side of her bed, leaning closer to us with a look of confusion. "Um, am I missing something?"

Lauren took deep breaths to collect herself, her giggles finally coming to a stop. Looking at me with a wide-lipped smile, obviously eager to spill my secrets, she said, "Oh, yeah you are. Our innocent little Audrey here has been sneaking away to hook up with my brother , for the past few days."

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