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The bright and gorgeous star rose over the kingdom as the servants were cleaning up the palace. Small children along with teenagers were playing around by the palace as their parents walked by and talked to one another. Nobody seemed to notice y/n, until one teenager noticed you sitting on the throne. The teenager points at y/n, whispering something to his friends. Not realizing he's right where you can hear him

Random teen: "Look.. The Pharaoh's serving girl is on the throne..."

Y/n: I can hear you, young man.

Random teen: "See her? She's just a servant. Yet she's sitting on his throne! The Pharaoh's throne! Hah!!"

Y/n: "I can assure you is I'm his newfound mother/caretaker."

Random teen: "You better not be lying to me. Otherwise I'll make sure you regret it, got it?"

Y/n: "I'm not lying, I can assure you that. If you hurt me, you'll get beheaded."

Random teen: "You a mother to the Pharaoh now? What a joke... Bold for someone so small and frail...Are you trying to threaten me, a noble, with physical harm? Hahaha... You really wanna go down that road?"

The teen was sadly right, she didn't know how to counter at that moment so she stayed silent and glared at him

Random teen: "You really think the Pharaoh would care if a brat like you died..?"

Y/n: stands up from the throne: yes he would considering the pain and agony he has gone through without anyone....

The teen rolled his eyes as a few of his friends start to smirk as they walk up and surround y/n. He's now backed up by his friends, who are just as cocky as him. The big dude steps forward again, invading y/n's space. As they surround, y/n glares at the teens.

Random teen: "You think the Pharaoh will care if I kill some rebellious servant girl? No, he wouldn't. And there would be nothing he could do about it.. Cause I'm a noble and you... You're just a servant. He'd have to take my side."

Next thing ya know they start to beat her up, till black and blue, till scars and blood appear on their skin... Atem comes back with a smile on his face until he see's his caretaker on floor, black, blue and red with scars all over her, that's when his smile drops to anger but before he could say anything the teen speaks up mockingly with a spear pointed towards y/ns chest.

"You really think you know him better than anyone else, do you? Cause I'll tell ya, you dont. I think he'd much rather have a REAL mom than let someone like YOU raise him."

Y/n: "he may not have one, nor any parental figure at the moment but  he needs to be child at some point. I'm willing to fill that void so he at least has some love and someway he doesn't have to think like an adult!" She looks back at Atem with tears in her eyes. "If I die by this spear, I want to know I love you"

Before the young pharaoh could do anything, the teen stabs the spear... killing y/n... With y/n's mere strength she says her final words...

"As you know I'm not your real mother but I hope you know, I love you... regardless of blood or not, I still love you..."

With that she collapsed with blood on the floor...

(Well that's the end. Totally.... Nah I'm just kidding. Unless you want it to be. I may or may not continue this story depending on what life has in store for me so bye! :3)

King's "Mother" (y/n mother/Caretaker x Atem child) Where stories live. Discover now