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Hi Everyone (if anyone is still here),

This is 50 years late and I'm really sorry about that.

Thank you to everyone who messaged me privately to see if I was doing alright (I really wasn't for quite some time. Depression had been manhandling me), and thank you to those who stuck around patiently and who'll read this. I am happy to say that I spent forever and a day editing this whole book and writing the remaining chapters and it is finally ready to be uploaded.

Horrible news? I'll be uploading from scratch on a new account - ashesbookss I know how annoying that is. I really do. Because I ended on a cliffhanger and now it'll feel like more waiting. But I changed a few things while editing (nothing too major if you started reading the book late last year into earlier this year but for others who were reading before that, then some major things have been changed).

If you'd like to once again follow Alex and Iris's journey then you can read as I upload every Thursday on my second account. If not, then I loved having you here and I love you so much for even reading my book in the first place.

It's been fun,


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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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