Quiet voices

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Soon enough Maria arrived at the school building. Maria's school was called Egger high School also known as EHS. Maria was shoved in the bus isle by other kids actually wanting to get to school. Marie was the last kid to get off the bus. The other kids held open the door for Rebecca but slammed the double door on Maria's face."oh my bad! I just didn't see you there!"another kid snickered. Maria walked to her locker and twisted the knob to open it up.When she opened the locker letters fell out.The baseball boys on the corner of the other side was giggling. Maria picked up the notes on the ground and saw on one of the notes it said,"Xoxo, your secret admirer" Maria just shoved the letters in her locker, she knew it was one of those baseball boys pranks again. Maria walked with her books to class passing the baseball boys on the way. One of the baseball boys kicked out their leg. Maria Tripped on one of the boys legs. Maria can crash into the floor smacking her nose on the ground. Maria's vision went blurry but she was able to make out what the boy was saying."Ha! Watch where you're going blood face!" Maria opened her eyes and saw a puddle of juicy red blood in front of her. Then all of a sudden someone tapped her shoulder. Maria thought it was one of her teachers telling her to get to class, or it was one of our teachers trying to escort her to the nurse. Instead she saw a kid she's never seen before. A boy with dirty blonde fluffy hair reaching his hand out to her. Maria ignored the hand and got up herself."Wait! Please let me help you get to the nurse you don't look too good." The boy insisted. To Marie he sounded pretty serious so she put his arm around his shoulder. She couldn't talk to say thank you her mouth was full of blood. The boy helped her get to the nurse's office."Oh dear! What happened?"the nurse questioned. Maria couldn't talk and the nurse understood that it was a pretty bad situation."Come here darling."the nurse said while grabbing Maria's arm and taking her to the sink. Marie's vision got better when she was washing all the blood out her mouth. Soon enough she was able to talk. She turned around and looked at the boy."thank you so much."Marie said while smiling and holding a paper towel to her nose. The boy stood there and nodded."okay now darling now that you can talk tell me what happened!"the nurse quickly interrupted."Oh, I just fell and I hit my nose on my books."Marie lied."you should be more careful next time you don't want to break your nose!" The nurse stated. The random boy just stood in the corner of the room."Is she going to be okay?" He questioned."yeah she just needs to keep the paper towel on her nose." the nurse said."alrighty now go to class you two."the nurse said while pushing Marie and the boy out the door. The boy looked at Marie and said,"I'm Seth And you are?" "I'm Marie! Marie glee." Marie smiled. "That's a pretty name!" Seth said while walking with Marie. "Thanks!"Marie smiles again. "Oh this is my class. I'll see you later!" Seth said while waving goodbye to Marie. Marie waved back to him and walked into class. "And where have you been?" The teacher grumbled."I had a nosebleed it was pretty bad I had to go to the nurse." Marie said while walking to her seat."Don't be late next time."the teacher said while walking to the board."Yes ma'am."Marie said.

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