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      "SISTER! You know I'd never fucking lie to you! We've known each other for over 3 millennium and you're going to believe a fucking bitch you've known for only three hundred years?!"

      The restraints around his arms, neck, wrist and ankles held him tight and un-breaking. The male was muscular in build, and chains shouldn't have any ability to hold him down. But these weren't just no ordinary chains.

       The bright blue color with hints of white showed they were produced in Ivine-a place of knowledge, peace, and tranquility, and was nothing short of a spiritual land. These restraints must've been made in the depths of Ivine's deepest and purest caves to be able to hold him down.

      "How can I believe you when all of the evidence points to you, brother?" She asked, her upper set of arms holding her baby ever so gently.

      The female was made of pure diamond, her eyes a beautiful shade of bright blue. Being made of pure diamond she's unable to birth a child-so instead, she created one from Amethyst. The female had three sets of arms-6 individual arms.

      "Can't you see I was fucking framed?! Has your fucking marriage blinded you so?!" He growled, his red eyes glowing in anger and frustration.

      "Do you see now my dear?" A male appeared, his stance was almost the same height as the female, he wasn't made of diamond, in fact, he looked to be a human, if you ignore the fact that all of the veins on his person showed as pure gold, glowing and pulsing.

      His bright blond hair was slicked back, he wore a divine purple suit with gold highlighting. His back was straight as ever that made one's skin crawl.

     "Fuck off Kuban!"

    "My dear and beloved wife, I care for your safety as much as our daughters safety, and unfortunately, your brother has gotten more and more unstable over the years. Now, I understand he's the Emon King, but for a place that holds everlasting celebration for the lives they lived, can an unstable, and ruthless King be fit for a place of such happiness and celebration?" He asked, placing both his hands lovingly on his wife's shoulders, smiling warmly at the small baby in her arms.

     "Talliza-don't listen to him!" He pleaded, eyes for once showing worry and slight pain with a small percent of horror.

      How did it come to be this way?

      The female, known as Talliza, is the Queen of Ivine. Ivine resided high within mountain peaks that no one will be able to get up the tall mountain without a guide to lead them-a spell that her brother, the King of Emon, set up to protect such a divine realm of peace and knowledge-even more so since his niece was "created".

       Talliza looked at her baby, and smiled, then her smile turned to that of pain and sorrow.

     "Dearest brother, it pains me to even do this-"

     "Then don't! Deep down you know I didn't fucking do jack SHIT! Things didn't start to go downhill since that fucking husband of yours arrived here! Who the fuck even is he?!" He looked to the blond male in the purple suit "Who the hell are you?! And where the fuck did you even come from?!"

       The blond male smiled, and slowly walked up to the Emon King, he stood tall in front of the King who was restrained heavily to the point he couldn't even stand, he was down low on his knees, almost a pitiful sight. The blond male, known as Kuban smiled at him.

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