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      9 in the morning, Aliur had only gotten a few hours of sleep, but having gone for so long without sleep before, he was working just well. Riella texted him earlier saying she'd be there by 10 in the morning, she was doing some final packing. Aliur was cool with it, and before she arrived, he decided to some cleaning up.

    He cleaned the kitchen, the halls, bathroom, living room and dusted and made everything clean and fresh. He needed to do a deep clean anyway. Riella's arrival made him actually clean instead of him putting it off. Nova chewed on her bone as Aliur did a final vacuum around the living room. 

    Aliur played some music off of the T.V to add some background noise to keep him busy. He finished 30 minutes before 10, and he nodded, putting everything away and turning the T.V off. He sat on the couch and Nova hopped on the couch beside him and sat down. 

    Aliur patted her as she continued to chew on her bone. Aliur stood up and walked to his room. He dug around for a while until he found what he was looking for. 

    The plain white cloth made from pure diamond. He sat on his bed and looked at it, it was something his sister, Talliza made for him a hundred years back, he gifted her a veil-like crown that covered half her face, and she gifted him this.

    He used it as an accessory, tied it around his waist, it was large enough to be some sort of blanket, but he preferred it with him at all times. With his smaller form now, it was the perfect size for a blanket. He draped it over him, instantly feeling a comfortable warmth. 

    This was made from the same diamond his sister is made from. Clear Diamond hidden deep within Ivine's tallest mountain. He never knew how she made Diamond into this form of cloth, but he knew gems could be turned into cloth with the right skills.

    With it draped over his shoulders, he heard the doorbell. He knew then it was Riella, and he walked over, holding the diamond cloth over his shoulders. He opened the door, and it was indeed Riella, wearing a backpack, and two suitcases with her.

    "Hi" She said.

    She stared at the diamond cloth he wore, and she made a strange expression on her face. Aliur raised a brow.

    "Problem?" He asked.

    "No, sorry, it's just... Sparkly" She said.

    He nodded "My sister made it" He said.

    "Really? That's skill" 

     "Agreed, need help carrying your shit in?" He asked.

    "I got it, where should I put all this?"

     "I only have one bedroom, and sorry, it's still mine, you're crashing out in the living room" He said.

    "I'm lucky to even have a place now, I would be satisfied just sleeping in the bathtub" She said.

    "Then make yourself comfortable" Aliur moved out of the way and watched as she held the suitcases and set them in a corner out of the way. 

     Aliur closed the door as Riella looked around. Riella was surprised to see that the place was practically empty.

    Only a small table, one small couch, small T.V, and little to no kitchen appliances.

    "I told you there would be no value here" Aliur said as he walked to the couch and sat down, petting Nova as he did.

     Riella sighed "I'll live" She said.

    "You said you're still in school?" He asked.


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