Chapter Two

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I sit in my bed staring at the ceiling. Today was nice. *I really liked spending time with Sayori. Images of Sayori smiling at me while hugging me pop into my mind and I feel myself blushing. It was… really nice. I should ask her to hangout tomorrow. Maybe watch a movie or something!* The idea of Sayori cuddling with me while watching a movie forces into my mind. I turn red and promptly sit up. *Nope! Sayori’s just a friend! Why would we be doing that? But what if she was more than a friend…* “NOPE NOPE NOPE.” I quickly turn on the tv to distract myself from those thoughts even though my face is still burning. *Just watch the show MC. Just focus  on that.* Forget about… “Ugh!” I turn the back off and begin getting dressed. Maybe a walk will clear my head. I head outside and begin walking but I barely get twenty feet out the door before noticing the light is still on in Sayori’s room. *I wonder what’s she doing… I shouldn’t bother he-* but my hands move faster than my brain and I begin throwing pebbles at her window. After a minute she opens her window and sticks her head out her window. I wave excitedly at her, and motion her to come down. She looks at me confused for a minute before closing her window and after a couple of minutes she opens her front door and hurries over to me. “What are you doing here?” She asks, confused. “Wanna go on a walk?” I ask her enthusiastically. “Sure! I was gonna try to go to sleep but I could use something to clear my head for a bit!” “Cool cool, and me too… what were you thinking about?” She blushes at my question. “Oh nothing important!”  I give her a strong side eye before shrugging, deciding not to push harder. “What were you thinking about?” She asks me after a moment. “Nothing important also.” I answer hastily. We continue walking, shivering a bit because of the cold. Sayori looks at me shivering before holding her hand out. “Hold my hand? I’m cold.” I look at her and smile before grabbing her hand. We continue the walk in silence, but no words need to be said. Everything just feels right. We eventually arrive back home and let go of each other’s hands slowly as I walk her to her front door, like we didn’t want too quite yet. “This was… really nice. Let’s do it again sometime.” Sayori says softly, smiling at me, her cheeks red from the cold. “Sounds great. Goodnight Sayori.” “Goodnight MC.” She gives me a big smile before heading inside, leaving me on her doorstep with nothing but my feelings. After a moment, I sigh and begin heading back inside, confused, happy, cold, and exhausted. I open the door of my house and head upstairs tiredly.

Hold Me In The Cold Love - A Ddlc MCSayo ficWhere stories live. Discover now