name dropping

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here's some tea 🫖

take a seat

grab some popcorn

okay i'm being a bit dramatic it isn't that juicy

okay! so let's get started

so there's this girl. ima call her j 

and we were sitting in class

she was talking to one of my friends let's call her e

so j and e we're at first talking about a guy named james bcs j has the biggest crush on him right? but the subject changes to someone else 

let's call this guy r 

so j was like "ugghh i've been on delivered by r for almost a day but it's okay bcs he just got his phone taken"

and at this point i spaced out


later i joined back in on the convo and it looked like this

"omg he's so hot and his arms... ahhh and he's just so finneeee." -j

and i was like who? james?

and e said no then mouthed "da michael" 

and it took me like 5 minutes to figure out what she was saying but i finally got it

and i was like "YOU LIKE DA MICHAEL??" cuz bro is like obsessed with me but he's lowkey ugly

and j was like "ADDIE NO NAME DROPPING!" 

and i was like "oops" 

but bro also has a girlfriend. i think her name is chloe or smth

and so chloe took da michael's phone and unadded j and she was so mad and i told her that girls just a bitch who thinks you're a threat.

and j is like "HEY NO CURSING"

and ignored her 🫣 

so back to the story... i didn't know chloe's name at first but i knew she went to some school 

and i was like ohhh i know a girl that goes there but i don't think she would go for him bcs she's very gay.

and then we laughed about chloe being bitchy to j for like 30 minutes

and j is like obsessed with 3 guys at once and im just like girl... pick one!! 

and thats the story on j and da michael for now lmao.

i'll update yall when i know more..

lol i put the category as non fiction 

i'm so funny

welcome to the life of a teenage girl.

bye bye!!

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