update on everything

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okayyy so j and da michael 

da michael is still with khloe i think (yes i just recently found out that i was spelling her name wrong the whole time lmao) but j is like over him...

so funny story it was like the last day of school and our teacher was cleaning out her classroom and she used to teach the seniors before they graduated and james who j likes was a senior so when the teacher found one of james' old mask type thing (i forgot what they're called but it's basically like a tube that goes from the bottom of your neck to the top of your nose if you know what i mean) and i like actually stole it and took it home with her she's honestly really weird for that

but i say j the other day at a restaurant and she was sitting next to me and we both got the same thing but the waiter only came out with one of ours and i took it (haha i won) and i got mad at me lollll bcs she had to wait an extra thirty seconds to get her food haha

ry and jacques

they've been together for a while now and he tried to take her on a double date with some of our other friends but ry couldn't go bcs her mom is strict when it comes to guys but so they were on facetime together and ry just goes "i have to shit really bad) and i forgot to mention the weird kid from our school was also on this call and i go "ry! you don't just announce that!" and one of my other friends goes "it's okay! she just has to take a spooky dookie" and us being the 3 year olds we are started dying  laughing

and then i started playing roblox (mind you i haven't touched that game in years) and i was murderer in murder myster and then i had to quit but it's okay bcs those little kids were beating my butt anyways bcs i honestly suck at roblox. 

we also went to the myrtles that day (it's a supposedly haunted plantation near where we live but since i'm catholic i don't believe that) but we took a photo shoot and the pics are like pinterest worthy cute so that was a success lolll

we also had like a two hour long karaoke session and then got yelled at bcs we were singing down bad in the middle of the night and my friends parents are very against cursing lollllll

that was a fun day (one of my friends went running in the woods and tripped over a tree root and face planted)


so today we had people come over and we boiled crawfish and swam and also watched the florida clemson game (floridas walk off made me so happy take that clemson fans yall thought yall win with a homer in the 13th but noooo we got runners on base and had a hit to the fence hahahahshs) it was also so funny bcs the coach got ejected and on the way back to the dugout he made a rude joke about the umpire and it was so funny also there was a fight in the second inning i think and the guy tried to swing at the ump

but anyways my friend brought this girl who's also kind of my friend with her but i didn't know she was coming so i was laying on the floor still in my church clothes and they burst in and fussed at me for not being social (i swear im not that introverted i mean i am but i just don't like people in general) and anyways my friend was laying on the lounge chair and a bird pooped on her foot and i told her it was aiming for her face but sadly missed


anyways mental health

it sucks rn

i mean it's not that bad but it's consistently getting worse and it will be that bad if i don't do something to fix it soon. 

maybe it would help if i listen to something other than folklore and ttpd but that's already not happening leave me alone with peace seven how did it end loml and the manuscript on repeat

anyways  im done here

wow i yapp a lot

tell me how your day was!! ____

mine was okay could've been better but not bad 

bye guys!! 

i love you all so much!!!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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