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Meanwhile inside of Goku's grandfathers dojo—Everyone and all the plans are being made.

All might and goku are seen on a platform explaining the plan to both Heroes and Villains.

GOKU: Now everyone here has a purpose right now. If you are a villain or even if you are a hero. You are still apart of this world! We all share the very same home that is being attacked right now!

All might adds, "Exactly. We must all come together and fight to protect our home! We need all of the help we can get! many will die! But we as the professionals will try our best to not let that happen!" Said All Might as he looks at goku.

GOKU: We have all been training and growing together since after the USJ incident. We can use that pain and turn it into power! There are millions of those ships out there! And there are millions of us also!

The room would erupt with excitement and joyful laughter. Only for it to end in tears and smoke.

On the emperors ship, frieza would be hastily walking back and forth. Yelling at his subordinates!

FRIEZA: You idiots get, GET DOWN THERE NOW AND KILL THOSE SAIYANS." (Yelled Frieza before calmly adding) whilst You're looking for them kill anyone that gets in your way as well!

Soldiers: Yes my lord." A group of soldiers said before rushing out and descending into the planet.

In a small room is Cooler and Turtles.

TURTLES: We can plant the seeds on this planet, considering the power this planet has is high! That can only make the tree of might stronger, giving the fruits more power!

Laughing loudly cooler would respond!

COOLER: Perfect, whilst you do that I'll help my brother to make sure he knows nothing of it!"

Turtles exists the ship and cooler accompanying the emperor to lessen his suspicions!

A large Frieza soldier would be flying. As he approached Goku's grandfathers dojo. His scouter would explode!

He would smile, raising his arms! One armed with a powerful laser beam gun. A beam of energy is summoned, at the tip of his gun and at the base of his palm!

On the inside of the Dojo. Excited and eager heroes and villains would be getting ready to confront the fleet of ships in the air.


A big BOOM hits the Dojo. A large explosion ensues. In a daze goku would be on the ground. His eyes darting, until he finally saw the giant whole in the ceiling.

Goku stands on both feet. He notices All might and Deku helping others to safety.

Bakugo is defending himself against a frieza soldier. This causes goku to fly into the sky.

To goku's shock. Thousands what seems like millions of ships and soldiers would be in the sky.

Japan completely destroyed, buildings collapsed, hospitals overwhelmed, low level heroes are being slaughtered.

Goku powers up into his very own Akari! His body Burst of green and golden energy. His eyes turn yellow and his hair stood like a tall mountain.

Goku shoots giant beams at the ships! Deku sees this and begins to help goku with the fleet of soldiers. Deku would shoot two beams. Blowing up many small ships.

Bakugo blasts the soldiers body completely into pieces. He too sees Goku and Deku.

One of the larger ships would explode from goku's attack. Falling into the ground this explosion takes out many of the soldiers.

Goku after taking out dozens of ships noticed a mother ship! He senses a large power on this mother ship!

But before goku could even think of what to do next Bakugo would zip past him. Dashing into the sky he hurriedly rushes towards the mother ship.

DEKU: No Bakugo—he's an idiot!

GOKU: He's okay! (Looks at Deku) We have to let others know to take out the ships.

ALL MIGHT: It's okay guys. I'll handle it! You guys see who's in that mothership!


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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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