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My energy died as I watched on matches. They looked so happy while fighting, riding on horses and screaming, boys knocking each other off the horse and then everyone cheers. There's not one duo no one cheers for.

Even loser get back to their seats, scuffed and dirty, and cheer for other. Some winners and losers shake hands or hug after a team falls. We will be ranked, but it didn't really matter how as long as we were all graduating.

I'm tense when my trio—now duo, step out on their horses and wooden swords. Will and Wyatt don't speak but they nod as though they have a plan.

Their opponents are called. Noah Orwell. Archibald Moorcroft. The two enter and Noah looks buff while Archie is a bit more slender. Like Vic.

I closed my eyes.

I'm scared and nervous like they are my team, although I'm not there. They raise their wooden swords, and soon they charge at each other. Will attacks Noah's stomach and he sways and knocks Archie, but they straighten up.

I'm watching as Noah retaliates and Will is sent left—but Wyatt pushes him up. He had looped around. He never did that.

The two round up again and are across Noah and Archie. They run over and over but they can't get them off. They seem to attack Noah constantly, trying to fire him out, but built like an adult, Noah doesn't topple at all. Their swords smacked his stomach but he just coughs a bit. With one angry swoop, he punched Wyatt in the face and he fell.

He's holding his should as Will jumped off and makes sure Wyatt is fine. Wyatt is waving him off and stands out, still looking angry as ever, but both teams bow to each other before retreating.

"I'm so furious!" Wyatt shouted when he sat down. "That damn brute! How did he not fall in the five minutes we were there?"

"It's more like two minutes," I joked.

"I hope at least Cory and Hale win," Will said off-handedly. "They're last, with Arthur and who is it?"

"Arthur and Kieran," I said.

The last two duos gather and standing there, it seemed like four brutes on horses. We are all done besides them so we hoot and holler for the last game. I watched at Cory and Hale improve, and attack Arthur and Kieran's sides. They seem uncomfortable and Arthur comes for the eyes—then change to the side of Cory's head. Cory doesn't blink, he rides comfortably with the horse.

The show took the longest, and it's like watching a whole year pass by you with each pair, and now they're the finale. Some cry a bit. We mainly smile, and root for both teams.

Ten minutes go by before Arthur's wrist takes damage and Kieran's feet fall off the holster and he tumbled, too.

We all jumped up and hugged each other.

"It's all over!"

"I hate I lost to that brute!"

"You two better become knights!"

"Thanks for everything!"

We were getting sentimental and I think of him just as I hear it.

"And welcome to our last graduates. Nathaniel Rottings and Clive Vagrant..."

I'm stunned and look up to the professor. He nodded at me as though retracting him former words. I jumped up and all the boys grabbed me.

"Hey, what does that mean?"

"Is this for real?"

"Why did you keep this a secret?"

Everyone cheers but I'm shaking. The Headmaster is there, mask still on, but his lips smile widely.

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